Gerhana Matahari Total 9 Maret 2016, Lapan Resmikan Hitung Mundur

Indonesian Institute of Aviation and Space Conduct the Countdown of the 2016 Total Solar Eclipse

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Gerhana Matahari Total 9 Maret 2016, Lapan Resmikan Hitung Mundur
Kepala Lapan, Thomas Djamaluddin (Foto: B2B/Mya)

Jakarta (B2B) - Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) meluncurkan hitung mundur 55 hari menjelang Gerhana Matahari Total 2016 pada 9 Maret mendatang, yang menjadi istimewa karena lazim terjadi hanya melintas di satu wilayah hanya sekali dalam 300 tahun.

"Sedangkan di Indonesia gerhana matahari total bisa terjadi sekali dalam 28 tahun, dan tinggal dalam hitungan hari. Lapan akan terus melakukan gaungan secara nasional dan membangkitkan kesadaran pada semua pihak bahwa gerhana tidak berbahaya," kata Kepala Lapan Prof Thomas Djamaluddin kepada pers di Jakarta pada Kamis (14/1).

Menurutnya, Lapan juga meluncurkan situs resmi melalui website tentang 55 hari jelang gerhana matahari total (GMT), tujuannya agar masyarakat dapat mengakses segala informasi tentang GMT.

Dia menambahkan GMT tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan mata asalkan melihatnya dengan baik dan benar, dan jangan melihat langsung ke matahari saat gerhana terjadi tapi sesudah GMT dengan menggunakan kacamata khusus.

"GMT tidak berbahaya, radiasinya tetap seperti halnya kita melihat matahari selama ini," kata Thomas.

Thomas menambahkan, pihaknya membentuk panitia nasional bersama Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG), tim dari Korea Selatan, komunitas astronomi dan tentunya Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA) untuk tujuan penelitian.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Institute of Aviation and Space, called the Lapan launched a 55-day the countdown before the total solar eclipse on March 9th, 2016, which is special because usually pass in one region only once in the 300 years, according to the head of Lapan.

"While in Indonesia, total solar eclipse can happen once in 28 years, and we are now counting the days. Lapan will continue to conduct nationwide campaign to raise public awareness that solar eclipses are not dangerous," Head of the Lapan, Thomas Djamaluddin told reporters here on Thursday (1/14).

According to him, the institute also launched the official website at about 55 days ahead of the total solar eclipse, so that the public can access all information about the total solar eclipse.

He added that total solar eclipse is not harmful to health as long as the eyes see it well and properly, and do not look directly at the sun when the eclipse happen but afterward using special glasses.

"Total solar eclipse is not harmful, radiation is the same as we see the sun during this time," Mr. Djamaluddin said.

He added, the Lapan also formed a national committee with the Bandung Institute of Technology, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, teams from South Korea, the astronomical community and the United States Space Agency (NASA) to conduct joint research.