19 Tewas Akibat Bentrokan Warga di Sorong jadi Sorotan Dunia
Police: Fire, Clash at Nightclub Kill 19 People in Indonesia
Editor : Kemal A Praghotsa
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

MEDIA asing menyoroti bentrok antara dua kelompok warga mengakibatkan sebuah tempat karaoke, Double O di Kota Sorong, Papua Barat terbakar dan 19 orang tewas akibat bentrokan tersebut, Selasa [25/1].
Bentrokan berdarah tersebut memicu saling serang dengan parang, panah dan bom molotov, kata Karo Penmas Divisi Humas Polri, Brigjen Ahmad Ramadhan kepada pers di Jakarta, Rabu [26/1].
Salah satu korban tewas akibat dibacok adalah anggota kelompok yang bentrok, dan 18 mayat ditemukan setelah kebakaran Senin malam di tempat karaoke Double O di kota Sorong.
Bentrokan Senin di karaoke tersebut menyusul bentrokan Sabtu malam antara kelompok yang sama karena kesalahpahaman, kata Kapolres Sorong Kota AKBP Ary Nyoto Setiawan.
"Kami memanggil mereka dan menengahi mereka, tetapi bentrokan terus berlanjut hingga larut malam," katanya.
Dia mengatakan polisi mengevakuasi pengunjung klub malam selama bentrokan, tetapi petugas pemadam kebakaran kemudian menemukan 18 mayat di salah satu ruangan di dalam gedung seperti dikutip Associated Press yang dilansir MailOnline.
A NIGHTCLUB in Indonesia's West Papua province burned after two community groups clashed inside the building and 19 people were killed, officials said Tuesday.
Members of the two groups attacked each other with machetes, arrows and Molotov cocktails, National Police spokesperson Ahmad Ramadhan said at a news conference.
One of the dead was a member of the groups that clashed, and 18 bodies were found after the fire Monday night at the club in Sorong city.
The clash Monday at the nightclub followed a clash Saturday night between the same groups because of a misunderstanding, city police Chief Ary Nyoto Setiawan said.
"We called them and mediated them but they continued the clash until late night," Setiawan said.
He said police evacuated visitors of the nightclub during the clash, but firefighters later found 18 bodies in one of the rooms inside the building.