Jokowi Setuju RSBI Dihapus. "Bayar Mahal Belum Menjamin"

Jokowi Agree RSBI Removed. "Pay Expensive Not Guarantee"

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Jokowi Setuju RSBI Dihapus. "Bayar Mahal Belum Menjamin"

Jakarta (B2B) - Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) terkait penghapusan penyelenggaraan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) didukung oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo. Meski RSBI dihapus, namun Jokowi yakin, kualitas pendidikan di ibu kota akan tetap terjaga dengan baik.

"Setuju, karena mahal. Dulu tidak ada RSBI juga kualitas pendidikan baik," ujar Jokowi, sapaan akrabnya, di sela-sela penijauan Terminal Blok M, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (8/1).

Untuk tetap mempertakankan kualitas pendidikan, kata Jokowi, pihaknya akan memperbaiki sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang ada. Selain itu, perbaikan sarana maupun prasarana sekolah juga harus dilakukan.

"SDM gurunya ditingkatkan, kemudian fasilitas yang ada di sekolah disiapkan semuanya, baik perpustakaan, lab, semuannya," katanya.

Jokowi menganggap, biaya yang dikeluarkan siswa yang bersekolah di RSBI tergolong mahal. Padahal dengan biaya yang mahal, menurutnya belum menjamin kualitas yang baik.

"Bayar mahal juga belum menjamin sebuah kualitas kalau SDM nya tidak siap. Artinya kesiapan sebuah program memang harus benar," katanya.

Jakarta (B2B) - Decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) related to the elimination of the implementation of stubs International School (RSBI) is supported by the Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo. Although RSBI removed, but Jokowi sure, the quality of education in the capital city will remain well preserved.

"Agreed, as they are expensive. The past no RSBI was also good quality education," Jokowi said on reviewing Jokowi Terminal Blok M, South Jakarta, Tuesday (8/1).

To maintain the quality of education, Jokowi said it would improve human resource (HR). In addition, the improvement of school facilities and infrastructure must also be done.

"HR enhanced teacher, then the existing facilities at the school prepared everything, good library, lab, everything," he said.

Jokowi considered, the cost of students enrolled in school in RSBI quite expensive. And with the costs, he said not guarantee good quality.

"Pay expensive also does not guarantee a quality that HR is not ready. Means readiness of a program it must be right," he said.