Utang Pemerintah, Rasionya terhadap PDB di Akhir 2013 di Atas 24%
Indonesia Gov`t Debt to GDP Ratio Above 24% by Year End 2013
Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - The government estimates the government’s debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio by year-end to stand above 24 percent, higher than 2012’s 24 percent of GDP.
Siahaan, Director of Debt Strategy and Portfolio at the Ministry of
Finance, said the debt ratio rises following rupiah deprecation rate
against US dollar.
According to him, foreign exchange (forex)
spread from assumed exchange rate against US dollar and its realization
has great impact on Revised State Budget (APBN-P).
"Aside from influencing financing, debt also affects forex-based state revenue. “This influences actual deficit,” Siahaan said.
Jakarta (B2B) - The government estimates the government’s debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio by year-end to stand above 24 percent, higher than 2012’s 24 percent of GDP.
Schneider Siahaan, Director of Debt Strategy and Portfolio at the Ministry of Finance, said the debt ratio rises following rupiah deprecation rate against US dollar.
According to him, foreign exchange (forex) spread from assumed exchange rate against US dollar and its realization has great impact on Revised State Budget (APBN-P).
"Aside from influencing financing, debt also affects forex-based state revenue. “This influences actual deficit,” Siahaan said.