Marc Marquez Menang Lagi di Silverstone Moto GP
Marc Marquez Wins Silverstone Thriller Ahead of Jorge Lorenzo
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Silverstone, Inggris (B2B) - Juara dunia MotoGP Marc Marquez kembali ke jalur juara dengan mencetak kemenangan kesebelas musim ini setelah adu balap mati-matian di Grand Prix Inggris melawan pebalap sesama Spanyol Jorge Lorenzo hari ini.
Marquez, yang membawa Honda ke pole position yang kesepuluhnya musim ini, sempat tertinggal start dari Lorenzo namun menyalip untuk berbalik memimpin dari juara dua kali juara dunia dari Yamaha itu ketika tujuh lap tersisa.
Lorenzo tak ingin menyerah dan berbalik di depan dapa dua lap kemudian ketika Marquez melebar di Stowe, seperti dilansir Yahoo Sports.
Itu bukan akhir ternyata ketika Marquez memacu pada tiga lap sehingga kedua pebalap seperti membukukan waktu bersamaan. Keduanya menyentuh garis finis hanya berselisih 0,732 detik.
Pebalap Italia Valentino Rosso yang menciptakan rekor 246 kali start pada kategori balap top ini, finis di urutan ketiga dengan Yamahanya setelah mendapat persaingan sengit dari pebalap Honda Dani Pedrosa dan penbalap Ducati Andrea Dovizioso.
Marquez, yang hanya sekali kalah musim ini ketika menempati urutan empat pada GP Ceko, kini unggul 89 poin dar Pedrosa yang menjadi juara di Brno namun menempati urutan empat di Silverstone. Marquez mengoleksi 288 point, Pedrosa 199 dan Rossi 189.
"Jorge jauh lebih kuat dibandingkan yang saya kira," kata Marquez yang dikalahkan Lorenzo tahun lalu, kepada televisis BT Sport.
"Ketika saya melewati dia untuk pertama kalinya saya memperkirakan membuka gap kecil namun saya melakukan kesalahan kecil dan dia berbalik. Pertarungan ini indah," kata dia.
Honda telah memenangi semua balapan musim ini namun Lorenzo telah membawa Yamaha mendekat ke podium.
"Marc menjadi favurit untuk balakan ini namun balapan adalah balapan dan kadang Anda punya kejutan," kata Lorenzo.
Silverstone, England - MotoGP world champion Marc Marquez returned to winning ways with a thrilling 11th victory of the season after a British Grand Prix battle with fellow-Spaniard Jorge Lorenzo on Sunday.
Marquez, who had put his works Honda on pole position for the 10th time this season, lost out to Lorenzo at the start but seized back the lead from Yamaha´s double champion with seven laps to go.
Lorenzo was not about to give up, going back in front two laps later when Marquez ran wide at Stowe.
That was not the end of it, with Marquez then barging through three laps from the end with the machines touching and almost locked together. The pair crossed the line just 0.732 of a second apart.
Italian Valentino Rosso, making a record 246th start in the top category, finished third on his Yamaha after another enthralling battle with Honda´s Dani Pedrosa and Ducati´s Andrea Dovizioso.
Marquez, who has been beaten just once this season when he was fourth in the previous round in the Czech Republic, now has an 89 point lead over team mate Pedrosa - the winner in Brno but fourth at Silverstone. Marquez has 288 points, Pedrosa 199 and Rossi 189.
"Jorge was much stronger than I expected before the race," Marquez, who was beaten by Lorenzo in last year´s race, told BT Sport television.
"When I passed him the first time I expected to open a small gap but I did a small mistake and he came back. The battle was nice," he grinned.
Honda have won every race this season but Lorenzo took Yamaha closer than ever to the top step of the podium and felt he had done all he could after giving his all.
"Marc was the favourite for this race but racing is racing and sometimes you get a surprise," said the Spaniard, who led into the first corner.
"I rode better than ever but it was not enough because at the moment the Honda is very good even if our bikes have improved.
"Obviously this action with the touch cost me half a second, but anyway I was so tired by pushing at the limit and the rear tyre was destroyed."