Cristiano Ronaldo Masuk Daftar 11 Pemain Terburuk Piala Dunia 2022
Cristiano Ronaldo is Named in the WORST Team of the FIFA World Cup 2022
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

CRISTIANO Ronaldo telah terpilih dalam statistik XI terburuk dari Piala Dunia setelah ia mengalami masa sulit untuk Portugal di turnamen di Qatar.
Ronaldo hanya mencetak satu gol untuk negaranya dan dijatuhkan ke bangku cadangan oleh Fernando Santos untuk pertandingan babak 16 besar mereka dengan Swiss dan kekalahan mengejutkan perempat final mereka dari Maroko.
Agen bebas berusia 37 tahun itu dilaporkan mengancam akan keluar dari kubu Portugal selama pertemuan panas dengan Santos setelah dia mengetahui bahwa dia telah dipecat untuk pertandingan Swiss, meskipun hal ini dengan cepat dibantah oleh FA negara dan pemain tersebut.
Tim XI terburuk didasarkan pada peringkat Sofascore, yang memberi setiap pemain skor dari 10 untuk penampilan mereka di turnamen. Untuk dimasukkan, pemain harus membuat minimal empat penampilan di Qatar.
Ronaldo, yang telah terlihat kembali di tempat latihan Real Madrid karena ia ingin tetap bugar selama mencari klub baru, disebutkan di tim Sofascore setelah hanya mencetak 6,46, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Penyerang Portugal itu bermitra di lini depan dengan Lautaro Martinez, meski pemain Argentina itu menjadi anggota tim yang mengangkat trofi setelah mengalahkan Prancis melalui adu penalti di final yang tak terlupakan.
Martinez, yang gagal mencetak gol untuk Argentina di Qatar dalam 148 menit pertandingan di seluruh turnamen, hanya diberi peringkat 6,35.
Striker Inter Milan itu dibawa dari bangku cadangan oleh Lionel Scaloni di semua kecuali dua pertandingan Piala Dunia Argentina.
Dia masuk menggantikan bintang Manchester City Julian Alvarez 13 menit memasuki perpanjangan waktu di final hari Minggu melawan Prancis.
CRISTIANO Ronaldo has been selected in a statistical worst XI from the World Cup after he endured a torrid time for Portugal at the tournament in Qatar.
Ronaldo scored only one goal for his country and was dropped to the bench by Fernando Santos for their last-16 clash with Switzerland and their shock quarter-final defeat to Morocco.
The 37-year-old free agent reportedly threatened to quit the Portuguese camp during a heated meeting with Santos after he found out he had been axed for the Switzerland game, although this was quickly denied by the country´s FA and the player.
The worst XI team is based on Sofascore´s rating, which gives each player a score out of 10 for their performances at the tournament. To be included, players had to have made a minimum of four appearances in Qatar.
Ronaldo, who has been spotted back at Real Madrid´s training ground as he looks to keep in shape during his search for a new club, was named in the Sofascore side after scoring just 6.46.
The Portuguese forward is partnered up front by Lautaro Martinez, despite the Argentinian being a member of of the team which lifted the trophy after beating France on penalties in a memorable final.
Martinez, who failed to score for Argentina in Qatar in 148 minutes of action across the entire tournament, was given a rating of just 6.35.
The Inter Milan striker was brought off the bench by Lionel Scaloni in all-but two of Argentina´s World Cup games.
He came on for Manchester City star Julian Alvarez 13 minutes into extra-time in Sunday´s final against France.