Tyson Fury Kalahkan Klitschko, Ini Sederet Duel di Ring Tinju yang Fenomenal
Tyson Fury`s Victory over Wladimir Klitschko Joins the Great Upsets in Boxing History
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

SETELAH Tyson Fury secara sensasional mengalahkan Wladimir Klitschko oleh keputusan tidak bulat para juri di Dusseldorf pada Sabtu pekan lalu, mari kita lihat kembali duel kontroversial di ring tinju dalam sejarah tinju dunia.
Mulai dari pertandingan James 'Buster' Douglas yang dijuluki Rumble in the Jungle pada 1974 hingga kekalahan Mike Tyson pada 1990, dan kemenangan sensasional Tyson Fury atas Wladimir Klitschko, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
1 James 'Buster' Douglas Kalahkan Mike Tyson (kelas berat) dengan KO
Tokyo, Feb 10, 1990 (At ringside)
Poin 40-1 membuat kejutan lebih kuat dari gempa yang mengguncang Tokyo setelah Douglas menjatuhkan Tyson dari pertandingan 15 ronde dan berhasil memenuhi janjinya kepada ibunya yang sekarat.
2 Randy Turpin mengalahkan Sugar Ray Robinson (kelas menengah) menang angka
Earl’s Court Arena, London, 10 Juli 1951
Ayah saya mengajak menonton ketika saya masih anak-anak untuk menonton pertandingan Sugar Ray.
Saya berteriak kegirangan setelah Turpin menang dari duel di ring tapi para penonton kagum pada kegigihan petinju terbesar di dunia yang mencintai tinju sepanjang hidupnya.
3 Cassius Clay mengalahkan Sonny Liston (kelas berat) dengan TKO
Miami Beach, Florida, Feb 25, 1964
Munculnya petinju berjuluk The Greatest saat ia 'mengguncang dunia' dengan mengalahkan Sonny Liston yang dijuluki Monster.
Fenomena terbesar saat itu, bukan sekadar seorang bintang, yang baru lahir.
4 Tyson Fury mengalahkan Wladimir Klitschko (kelas berat) dengan keputusan tidak bulat
Dusseldorf, 28 November 2015.
5 Muhammad Ali jatuhkan George Foreman (kelas berat) dengan KO
Kinshasa, Zaire, 30 Oktober 1974
The Rumble in the Jungle adalah kinerja yang paling luar biasa.
Gaya khas Ali di ring tinju adalah kemenangan petinju tua menghadapi petinju yang jauh lebih muda.
6 Lloyd Honeyghan mengalahkan Donald Curry (kelas welter)
Caesar’s Hotel and Casino, New Jersey, 27 September 1986
Curry mengejek Honeygan melalui pernyataannya dan dia harus menelan kata-katanya sendiri saat kalah KO pada ronde keenam.
AFTER Tyson Fury sensationally defeated Wladimir Klitschko by a unanimous points decision in Dusseldorf on Saturday, Sportsmail look back at the six biggest upsets in boxing history.
From the epic Rumble in the Jungle in 1974 to James 'Buster' Douglas' legendary flooring of Mike Tyson in 1990, Fury's unanimous points victory over Wladimir Klitschko is in good company.
1 James ‘Buster’ Douglas beat Mike Tyson (heavyweight) by KO
Tokyo, Feb 10, 1990 (At ringside)
The 40-1 shock was even more powerful than the earthquake that rocked Tokyo after Douglas nerved himself to get off the canvas from that long count and fulfil his promise to his dying mother by flattening the seemingly invincible Iron Mike.
2 Randy Turpin beat Sugar Ray Robinson (middleweight) on points
Earl’s Court Arena, London, July 10, 1951
My father sneaked me in as a boy to watch the immortal Sugar Ray.
I roared along with Turpin’s ‘impossible’ victory but it was watching in awe the greatest fighter in the world that started a lifelong love affair with boxing.
3 Cassius Clay beat Sonny Liston (heavyweight) by TKO
Miami Beach, Florida, Feb 25, 1964 (On Pathe News in the local cinema)
The advent of The Greatest as he ‘shook up the world’ by knocking out the Liston monster.
A planetary phenomenon, not just a star, was born.
4 Tyson Fury beat Wladimir Klitschko (heavyweight) by unanimous decision
Dusseldorf, November 28, 2015.
5 Muhammad Ali beat George Foreman (heavyweight) by KO
Kinshasa, Zaire, Oct 30, 1974 (On closed-circuit transmission to a West End theatre)
The Rumble in the Jungle was the most extraordinary performance.
Ali’s Rope-a-Dope was an ageing man’s triumph over a brute of a younger man.
6 Lloyd Honeyghan beat Donald Curry (welterweight)
Caesar’s Hotel and Casino, New Jersey, Sept 27, 1986 (On TV)
Curry had given Honeyghan that nickname by way of a dismissive remark and had to eat his words as he suffered a sixth-round KO.