Suntuk di City, Aguero dan Tevez Pilih Main Golf
Get Bored In the City, Tevez dan Aguero Choose Playing Golf
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
KETIKA penat mendera, kepenata sirna dengan bermain golf. Duo Manchester City, Sergio Aguero dan Carlos Tevez memilih klub golf lokal, Chelsire, untuk mengusir penat.
Tidak heran bila penggila golf asal Argentina ini mengayunkan golfnya dengan keras, Kamis.
Teves mengantungi 13 handicap, sebuah kemajuan besar setelah bermain dalam 12 bulan terakhir.
Dia bahkan mengejutkan dunia olahraga ketika muncul di lapangan golf dalam sebuah pertandingan Terbuka di Annes Royal Lytham & St Annes.
Pemain berusia 28 tahun ini tergolong awam bermain golf, tapi ternyata hasil dari berteman baik dengan seorang caddie bernama Andres Romero, 31, yang juga warga Argentina.
WHEN the going gets tough, the tough get going to the golf course. Manchester City duo Sergio Aguero and Carlos Tevez headed to their local Cheshire club for a thrash.
It was no surprise to see the golf-mad Argentineans back in the swing on Thursday.
Tevez, a 13-handicapper, has been seen as much on the course as he has on the pitch during the past 12 months.
He even surprised the sporting world when he emerged on the green at The Open held at Royal Lytham & St Annes.
The 28-year-old was for once not taking part as a sportsman but, was in fact a caddie for his good friend and countryman Andres Romero, 31.