Akli Fairuz, Striker Persiraja Tewas setelah Benturan di Lapangan
Footballer Dies After being Injured in Indonesian Premier League Match
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
PESEPAKBOLA tewas setelah menderita cedera di lapangan lantaran benturan keras dalam laga Liga Primer Indonesia.
Striker Persiraja, Akli Fairuz terluka setelah sepatu kiper PSAP Sigli, Agus Rahman menghantam badannya ketika keduanya berebut bola di depan gawang PSAP Sigli, seperti dilansir Mail Online.
Para pemain Persiraja marah atas pelanggaran tersebut, mereka mengejar wasit yang dinilai tidak bertindak tegas, wasit pun lari menyelamatkan diri pada petugas keamanan.
Penyerang Akli diganti dan harus menonton pertandingan dari pinggir lapangan.
Namun, cedera yang dialami Akli ternyata memburuk dan harus menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit.
Diketahui kemudian bahwa Akli menderita kebocoran kandung kemih dan beberapa hari setelah pertandingan, dia meninggal akibat cedera tersebut.
A FOOTBALLER has died from an injury suffered on the pitch following a horror challenge during an Indonesian Premier League match.
Persiraja striker Akli Fairuz was injured after taking a boot to the body from PSAP Sigli goalkeeper Agus Rahman as the pair raced for the ball in the area.
Players, clearly incensed by the tackle, clashed on the pitch while the referee had to be moved away by security.
Frontman Fairuz was substituted but managed to watch the rest of the game from the sidelines.
However, the attacker later took a turn for the worse and had to be admitted to hospital.
It was soon discovered that Fairus had suffered bladder leakage and, a few days after the match, passed away from his internal injuries.