Kobe Bryant Lampaui Michael Jordan, Rekor Poin Terbanyak NBA
Kobe Bryant Passes Michael Jordan into Third Place on NBA`s All-time Scoring List
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

REKOR MICHAEL Jordan berhasil dilampaui Kobe Bryant dalam daftar pebasket yang mencetak poin terbanyak sepanjang masa di NBA. Prestasi Bryant itu dicapai ketika dia masih bertanding pada kuarter kedua laga antara klubnya Los Angeles Lakers melawan Minnesota Timberwolves.
Bryant hanya perlu sembilan poin untuk melampaui rekor Jordan 32.292 poin dan menempati urutan ketiga dalam daftar pencetak poin terbanyak sepanjang masa setelah Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (38.387 poin) dan Karl Malone (36.928).
Dia mencapai rekor itu lewat sepasang lemparan bebas menjelang kuarter kedua.
Para pendukung Minnesota sendiri bangkit menyambut pencapaian Bryant ini.
Bryant menerima pelukan selamat dari para pemain kedua tim.
"Ini pelukan kehormatan. Ini seperti perjalanan panjang," kata Bryant kepada wartawan. "Ini berjalan sangat cepat, rasanya hebat berada di titik ini."
Bryant finish dengan 26 poin untuk mencetak total 32.310 saat Lakers mengalahkan Timberwolves 100-94, seperti dilansir Yahoo Sports.
Jordan yang dianggap sebagai pebasket terbaik sepanjang masa, dianggap sebagai standard di NBA.
Mantan legenda ini menyelamati pencapaian Bryant.
"Saya mencoba belajar banyak dari dia secara khusus. Dia bagian terbesar keberhasilan dan karir saya dengan memberi saya nasihat," kata Bryant. "Hubungan ini sangat berarti bagi saya."
Bryant yang berusia 36 tahun mencatat prestasi itu pada musim ke-19 dia dan pertandingan ke 1.269. Sedangkan Jordan mengakhiri karir pada musim ke-15 dan 1.072 pertandingan.
KOBE BRYANT eclipsed Michael Jordan on the National Basketball Association's all-time scoring list on Sunday, surpassing the legendary scorer during the second quarter of the Los Angeles Lakers’ game at the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Bryant entered the game needing nine points to top the retired Jordan’s mark of 32,292 points and move into third on the all-time list. Bryant now trails only Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (38,387 points) and Karl Malone (36,928) in career points.
He achieved the mark with a pair of free throws midway through the second quarter, momentarily stopping the game.
The Minnesota crowd rose in appreciation and Bryant received congratulatory hugs from both teams before being presented with the game ball.
"It’s a huge honor. It's been such a long journey," Bryant told reporters. "It’s gone by really fast; it feels great to be at this point."
Bryant finished the night with 26 points to run his scoring total to 32,310 as the Lakers defeated the Timberwolves 100-94.
Jordan, widely thought of as the greatest players of all-time, has long been the standard by which fellow shooting guard Bryant has been measured.
The former great congratulated Bryant's accomplishment in a statement and has provided the Lakers standout with mentorship over the years.
"I try to learn so much from him in particular. He's been such a huge part of my success and career in giving me advice," Bryant said. "The relationship has meant everything to me."
The 36-year-old Bryant has achieved his scoring in his 19th season and 1,269th game. Jordan’s career lasted 15 seasons and 1,072 games.