Leonardo Dicaprio Feels `Worn Out`

Leonardo Dicaprio Ingin `Istirahat` Main Film

Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Leonardo Dicaprio Feels `Worn Out`
Leonardo Dicaprio (Foto: The Telegraph)

Los Angeles (B2B) - Aktor Leonardo DiCaprio mengatakan akan beristirahat untuk sementara waktu dari dunia film.

Aktor berusia 38 tahun ini merasa lelah setelah menjalani proses syuting tiga film layar lebar berturut-turut selama dua tahun belakangan.

"Saya merasa terkuras. Sekarang saya akan beristirahat untuk waktu yang lama," ujar DiCaprio kepada harian Jerman Bild, seperti yang dikutip oleh Daily Mail.

Sebelum syuting film terbarunya, "The Django Unchained", aktor ini menjalani proses syuting untuk film "The Great Gatsby" dan "The Wolf on Wall Street".

Aktor ini berencana menghabiskan waktu rehatnya untuk menjalankan hobinya yang lain, yaitu menyelamatkan lingkungan hidup.

"Saya akan berkeliling dunia dan melakukan hal baik untuk lingkungan hidup. Atap rumah saya ditutup dengan panel solar. Saya menggunakan mobil elektrik," ujarnya.

Los Angeles - Actor Leonardo DiCaprio says he is "drained" after working continously for the past few years.

The 38-year-old has admitted he is completely "worn out" after shooting three movies back-to-back and is planning to take a significant amount of time away from Hollywood.

"I am a bit drained... I've done three films in two years and I'm just worn out," DiCaprio told German newspaper Bild.

The actor recently filmed the adaptation of "The Great Gatsby", "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Django Unchained".

He now plans to use his time off to focus on his other passions, one of them being saving the environment.

"I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment. My roof is covered with solar panels. My car is electric," he said.