Lifted, Ringo Starr Rilis Buku Terbaru tentang The Fab Four
Ringo Starr releasing new book about The Beatles called Lifted
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Drummer The Beatles Ringo Starr merilis buku baru berjudul Lifted: Fab Images and Memories in My Life with the Beatles from Across the Universe.
Buku terbaru legenda musik The Beatles, menampilkan ratusan gambar langka yang tidak pernah terlihat sebelumnya dan kisah yang belum pernah diceritakan dari sudut pandang Ringo.
"Gambar-gambar fantastis ini kembali kepada saya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dari seluruh alam semesta dan entah bagaimana membantu saya kembali melihat hidup saya dengan The Fab Four melalui mata yang segar," kata Ringo tentang buku itu dalam siaran pers.
'Banyak foto dalam buku ini yang saya lihat di ponsel saya dan di komputer saya dan saya mengambilnya karena mereka membawa kembali begitu banyak kenangan yang luar biasa.'
Penulis buku sekaligus penulis/produser TV, David Wild ikut terlibat dalam proyek buku bersama Ringo, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Buku tersebut akan dirilis secara terbatas pada hari Valentine dengan pre-order mulai Selasa, 21 Desember 2021.
Hasil penjualan dari buku tersebut akan disumbangkan ke The Lotus Foundation, badan amal yang berfokus pada penyalahgunaan zat, tumor otak, kanker, wanita dan anak-anak KDRT, tunawisma, dan hewan yang membutuhkan.
Ringo sebelumnya telah merilis beberapa buku lain termasuk: Postcards from the Boys, Photograph, Another Day In The Life dan karya seni yang ditampilkan dalam Painting Is My Madness, Painting is my Madness Too dan kronik berjudul Ringo Rocks: 30 Years of the All Starrs.
Ringo menjadi ikon sebagai drummer di grup legendaris The Beatles, bersama Paul McCartney, John Lennon dan George Harrison.
Buku Lifted: Fab Images and Memories in my Life with The Beatles from Across the Universe akan dirilis pada Hari Valentine [14 Februari 2022] dengan pre-order dimulai pada 21 Desember 2021.
Buku Lift seharga $59, tersedia secara eksklusif di
Buku hardcover eksklusif tersedia dengan sampul warna khusus yang ditandatangani oleh Ring seharga $495.
Ringo Starr is releasing a new book called Lifted: Fab Images and Memories in My Life with the Beatles from Across the Universe.
The Beatles legend's latest book will feature never before told tales as well as include a photographic journey back to the fab four era.
The limited edition hardcover book will be released on Valentine's day, with pre-sales starting Tuesday, December 21.
All proceeds of the new book will benefit The Lotus Foundation, which supports and promotes charities that focus on substance abuse, brain tumors, cancer, battered women and children, homelessness and animals in need.
Ringo worked with David Wild on the book project, who is a best-selling author and TV writer/producer.
While in lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic, Ringo took time to 'lift' the images included in the book from his collection from his personal collection as well as beloved images.
The book offers a modern yet intimate look at the legendary band from Ringo's perspective.
It includes hundreds of rare, unseen images as well as newly discovered ones, in addition to stories never been told.
'These fantastic images came back to me in recent years from across the universe and have somehow helped me get back to seeing my life with The Fab Four through fresh eyes,' Ringo said of the book in a press release.
'A lot of the photos in this book I saw on my phone and on my computer and I lifted them because they brought back so many fabulous memories.'
Adding: 'In recent years, I’d gather these Beatles photos that I didn’t have and sometimes barely remembered. After a while, I thought, how great it would be that we can lift these fantastic photos for charity, tell my true tales about what we four went through and then make a great new book out of it. And the best thing is that it’s all for a good cause because the money is going to our Lotus Foundation.'
Ringo has previously released several other books including: Postcards from the Boys, Photograph, Another Day In The Life and artwork featured in Painting Is My Madness, Painting is my Madness Too and a chronicle called Ringo Rocks: 30 Years of the All Starrs.
Ringo became an icon as the drummer in the legendary group The Beatles, alongside Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison.
The book Lifted: Fab Images and Memories in my Life with The Beatles from Across the Universe will be released on Valentine's Day (February 14, 2022) with pre-sales beginning on December 21, 2021.
Lift is $59, exclusively available at
An exclusive hardcover book is available with a special color cover signed by Ring for $495.