Gaun Putri Diana Terjual Rp11 Miliar Saat Dilelang
Princess Diana Gowns Fetch US$1.2 Million at Auction
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu
London (B2B) - Sepuluh gaun milik mendiang Princess of Wales atau Putri Diana dihargai sampai sekitar 800 ribu poundsterling (Rp11 miliar) pada lelang di rumah lelang Kerry Taylor, London.
Harga tertinggi 240 ribu poundsterling (Rp3,5 miliar) adalah gaun rancangan Victor Edelstein. Gaun beludru biru gelap ini dikenakan Diana pada jamuan makan malam di Gedung Putih yang waktu itu dia sempat berdansa dengan aktor John Travolta.
Gaun ini dibeli seorang pria Inggris yang ingin menghibur istrinya. "Penawar hari ini mampu membeli potongan unik dari sejarah Inggris," kata juru lelang Kerry Taylor sebagaimana dilansir laman Vogue.
"Kami menarik penawar dari seluruh dunia termasuk Asia, Amerika, Austria, Australia dan tentu saja, Inggris, termasuk tiga museum penting sehingga kami berharap sekarang orang bisa melihat beberapa koleksi gaun milik sang putri."
Gaun lain yang mendapat tawaran tinggi adalah dua gaun beludru karya desainer Catherine Walker.
Satu gaun dikenakan Diana untuk pemotretan majalah Vanity Fair oleh fotografer terkenal Mario Testino di Istana Kensington pada 1997.
Satu gaun lainnya dikenakan Diana saat kunjungan kenegaraan di Australia dan saat menghadiri premier Back To The Future pada 1985. Kedua gaun dijual seharga 108 ribu poundsterling (Rp1,5 miliar).
London - A collection of some of Princess Diana´s most memorable evening gowns has fetched over 800,000 pounds ($1.2 million) at a London auction.
Kerry Taylor Auctions say the highlight — a velvet navy gown Diana wore in 1985 to a White House gala dinner, where she danced with Hollywood star John Travolta — was sold for 240,000 pounds to a British man.
The Victor Edelstein gown came slightly below the expected maximum price, which was set at 300,000 pounds.
The dress was bought "by a British gentleman who said he wanted to buy it as a surprise to cheer up his wife", explained auctioneer Kerry Taylor.
"We attracted bidders from across the world including Asia, America, Austria, Australia and of course, the UK, including three important museums, so we are hopeful that now people will actually get to see some of the dresses that belonged to the ´People´s Princess´," Taylor said.
Other dresses at Tuesday´s vintage fashion auction included several Catherine Walker gowns worn for state visits around the world.
The other dresses worn Diana during a state visit in Australia and while attending the premiere of Back To The Future in 1985. Both dresses sold for 108 thousand pounds (R1, 5 billion).