Oscar 2022, Denzel Washington Mencoba Menenangkan Will Smith saat Jeda Iklan
Denzel Washington Told Will Smith to Calm Down during Oscars Commercial Break
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

NOMINASI aktor terbaik Will Smith terlihat dihibur oleh Denzel Washington dan Tyler Perry usai dia memukul wajah presenter Chris Rock dengan tangan terbuka selama siaran lansung Oscar 2022, pada Minggu (27/3) malam.
Smith terlihat meneriakkan umpatan kasar pada komedian Chris karena membuat lelucon tentang penampilan istrinya yang sama-sama duduk di barisan depan di Teater Dolby di Hollywood.
Rock membuat lelucon tentang gaya rambut istri Smith Jada Pinkett Smith yang merujuk pada film 'G.I. Jane', di mana aktris Demi Moore mencukur rambutnya.
Smith, yang dinominasikan untuk aktor terbaik untuk 'King Richard,' berjalan di atas panggung dan menampar Rock, yang pada awalnya tampak sebagai lelucon yang ditulis, tetapi suasana berubah menjadi kejutan beberapa saat kemudian ketika Smith, kembali ke kursinya, berteriak kembali, 'Jauhkan nama istriku dari mulut sialanmu,' .
Beberapa saat setelah memukul wajah Chris Rock, Will Smith terlihat sedang dihibur di sisi Teater Dolby. Aktor Denzel Washington dan Tyler Perry memiliki tête--tête dengan Smith. Ketika Smith berjalan untuk kembali ke kursinya di barisan depan, Bradley Cooper mengambil waktu untuk lebih menghibur Smith yang tampak sangat kesal, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
SMITH could be seen shouting a vulgarity at the comedian for making a joke about his wife's appearance who were both sitting in the front row at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood.
Rock made a joke about the hairstyle of Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith that referenced the movie 'G.I. Jane' in which actress Demi Moore shaved her head.
Smith, who is nominated for best actor for 'King Richard,' walked on stage and slapped Rock in what at first appeared to be a scripted joke, but the mood turned to shock moments later when Smith, back in his seat, shouted back, 'Keep my wife's name out of your f***ing mouth.'
Moments after hitting Chris Rock in the face Will Smith could be seen being consoled at the side of the Dolby Theatre. Actors Denzel Washington and Tyler Perry had a tête-à-tête with Smith. As Smith walked to return back to his seat in the front row, Bradley Cooper took time to further console Smith who appeared deeply upset.