Katy Perry Ajak Kawula Muda Jangan `Golput`.... tapi Kenapa Mesti Bugil
Katy Perry Strips Naked at a Polling Station in New Parody Clip Urging Fans to Vote at US Elections
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

KEKASIHNYA, Orlando Bloom baru-baru ini menjadi berita utama dunia ketika ia kepergok oleh paparazzi tengah berdayung telanjang saat liburan musim panas.
Dan Katy Perry tampaknya memetik pengalaman dari kekasihnya asal Inggris, karena dia pun tampil mengumbar aurat pada video klip terbarunya bertajuk Funny Or Die yang mengajak penggemarnya untuk menggunakan hak suaranya dalam Pemilihan Presiden AS.
Dalam video klip, penyanyi 31 tahun ini terlihat terbangun dari tidurnya mengenakan piyama dan rambut masih berantakan, lengkap dengan popcorn dan permen lolipop saat dia menyatakan: 'I've got some great news: This year, you can look like s**t when you vote.'
Katy kemudian berjalan ke TPS, melewati pemilih lainnya dengan mengenakan pakaian tidur saat ia menjelaskan: 'Yep, I've briefly scanned the Constitution, and nowhere does it say that you can't just roll out of bed and come to the polls in whatever state you woke up in.'
'In the name of democracy, any just-out-of-bed look is A-OK' seperti dilansir MailOnline.
HER BOYFRIEND Orlando Bloom recently attracted headlines when he was photographed paddle boarding in the nude during the couple's summer getaway.
And Katy Perry appears to be taking a leaf out of her British beau's book, as she has stripped naked in a new Funny Or Die video urging fans to vote in the US elections.
In the clip, the 31-year-old singer is seen waking from her slumber sporting patriotic pyjamas and messy bed hair, complete with popcorn and a lollipop as she declares: 'I've got some great news: This year, you can look like s**t when you vote.'
Katy then walks to her polling station, passing other voters in their nightwear as she explains: 'Yep, I've briefly scanned the Constitution, and nowhere does it say that you can't just roll out of bed and come to the polls in whatever state you woke up in.
'In the name of democracy, any just-out-of-bed look is A-OK.'