Oscar 2022, Will Smith Tampar Chris Rock
Chaos at Oscars as Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

KEKACAUAN dalam panggung Oscar 2022, saat Will Smith melangkah ke atas panggung dan menampar Chris Rock, serta melontarkan umpatan kotor setelah Chris bercanda tentang rambut istri Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, yang disirkan secara langsung ke seluruh dunia dan mengejutkan penonton di Dolby Theatre.
Chris terhuyung-huyung dan berseru "Wow, Will Smith baru saja menamparku." usai tamparan dari Will Smith.
Smith, tampak emosional berjalan kembali ke kursinya di antara penonton dan berteriak "Jauhkan nama istri saya dari mulut sialan Anda." kemudian, Smith memenangkan Academy Award pertamanya untuk perannya sebagai Richard Williams, ayah yang membesarkan juara tenis Venus dan Serena Williams, dalam `King Richard`.
Ketika menerima penghargaan, Smith mengeluarkan permintaan maaf penuh air mata atas ledakannya, dengan mengatakan "Saya ingin meminta maaf kepada Akademi, saya ingin meminta maaf kepada semua rekan nominasi saya. Ini adalah momen yang indah. Richard Williams adalah pembela keluarga yang tangguh," kata Smith emosional, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
"Saat ini dalam hidup saya, saya diliputi oleh apa yang Tuhan panggil untuk saya lakukan," lanjut Smith.
WILL SMITH strode on to the stage and slapped Rock after the firebrand comedian cracked jokes about the haircut of Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith in a shocking scene that was broadcast live around the world and stunned the live audience at the Dolby Theatre.
Rock staggered and exclaimed 'wow, Will Smith just smacked the s**t out of me.'
Smith, visibly emotional, walked back to his seat in the audience and shouted: 'Keep my wife's name out of your f***ing mouth.' Just minutes later Smith won his first Academy Award for his portrayal of Richard Williams, the determined father who raised tennis champions Venus and Serena Williams, in 'King Richard.'
Accepting the award, Smith issued a tearful apology for his outburst, saying: 'I want to apologize to the Academy, I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees. This is a beautiful moment. Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family,' said the clearly emotional Smith.
'In this time in my life, in this moment I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do.'