Sarah Ferguson `Reuni` dengan Mantan Suami Pangeran Andrew
Fergie Sweeps the Queen a Curtsey as She Joins Andrew and Their Daughters
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

RATU INGGRIS Elizabeth II kembali ke Ascot pada hari keempat disertai kedua cucunya, Eugenie dan Beatrice, putri Pangeran Andrew dan Sarah Ferguson.
Sarah Ferguson juga hadir dan tampak menghormat pada Ratu dengan membungkuk hormat di Royal Enclosure.
Ratu hadir mengenakan gaun kuning terang karya disainer ternama Stewart Parvin.
Sarah Ferguson, 55-tahun itu bergabung dengan anaknya, Putri Beatrice (kanan) dan Eugenie dan mantan suami Pangeran Andrew. Tampak hadir kekasih Putri Beatrice, mantan eksekutif Virgin Galactic usia 31 tahun Dave Clark (tengah), yang tampaknya mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan keluarga kerajaan Inggris dan terlihat tertawa terpingkal-pingkal mendengarkan salah satu lelucon Fergie, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
THE QUEEN returned to Ascot for a fourth day and brought Zara, Eugenie and Beatrice along.
Sarah Ferguson was also there and swept Her Majesty a low curtsey in the Royal Enclosure.
Her Majesty was resplendent in a bright yellow creation by top couturier Stewart Parvin.
The 55-year-old was joined by daughters Beatrice (right) and Eugenie and former husband Prince Andrew. Also in their box was Beatrice´s boyfriend, 31-year-old former Virgin Galactic executive Dave Clark (centre), who appeared to be enjoying himself and was seen roaring with laughter at one of Fergie´s jokes.