Tina Astari, Lemon Penghias Minuman

Tina Astari, Lemon As A Dressing For Drinks

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Tina Astari, Lemon Penghias Minuman
Tina Astari (Foto: kapanlagi.com)

BAGI artis Tina Astari, jeruk lemon punya daya tarik sendiri untuk memcobanya. Biasanya, irisan jeruk lemon digunakan untuk menghiasai minuman di sisi gelas supaya terlihat indah. Selain itu rasanya bisa menggoda jika di campur dengan teh dan gula. Apalagi jika diminum dalam keadaan dingin, sementara cuaca di luar cukup menyengat.

“Rasanya luar biasa. Ada manisnya, asem kecut dan rasa teh pehit-pahit gitu,” katanya.
Tina yang punya hobi bereksperimen berbagai minuman, menjadikan jeruk lemon sebagai pelengkap minuman yang telah diracik. Menurutnya, tanpa lemon, minuman yang telah diraciknya terasa ada yang kurang. Maklum, lemon memiliki daya tarik bagi penikmatnya.

“Ternyata manfaat lemon banyak sekali, selain bisa untuk kesehatan, juga baik untuk penghias minuman khusus yang saya racik,” terangnya.

FOR the artist Tina Astari, lemon has its own appeal to try it. Usually, lemon slices are used as dressing for drinks at the rim of the glass so it would look pretty. In addition, the taste can be tempting when mixed with tea and sugar. Especially when it is drink cold, while the weather outside quite hot.

"It feels great. There's a sweet, sour and bitter taste of the tea to it," she said.

Tina has a hobby of experimenting with various drinks, using lemon as a complementary supplement of the drink that she has concocted. In her opinion, without lemon, there is something missing in drink that she has concocted. Understandably, the lemon has its appeal to its admirer.

"Apparently benefits of lemon are plentiful, besides for health is also good as a dressing for the special drinks that I create," she explained.