Polisi Ditembak Mati di California pasca Warga Kulit Hitam Tewas
Cop is Shot Dead in California as George Floyd Fury Sweeps US
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
SEKITAR 7.500 demonstran turun ke jalan-jalan di Oakland tadi malam, bentrok dengan polisi dan memicu serangan pembakaran dan vandalisme di seluruh kota.
Selama kerusuhan berlangsung, dua petugas Layanan Perlindungan Federal - bagian dari Homeland Security yang diciptakan untuk melindungi fasilitas pemerintah - ditembak.
Polisi sedang menyelidiki. Dua petugas Layanan Perlindungan Federal yang ditempatkan di Oakland Downtown Federal Building menderita luka tembak.
"Sayangnya, satu tewas karena cedera," kata departemen kepolisian kepada CNN. Seorang pemrotes berusia 19 tahun ditembak mati di Detroit tadi malam, sementara tentara di North Carolina dan di New York telah diperintahkan untuk siap bergerak dalam waktu empat jam dan pasukan di Colorado dan Kansas dalam waktu 24 jam.
Polisi mengatakan pria itu terbunuh setelah tembakan diledakkan ke kerumunan orang di dekat kawasan hiburan Greektown Detroit tadi malam dengan belasan pengunjuk rasa di jalan-jalan, tetapi petugas tidak terlibat dalam penembakan itu.
Tersangka berhenti di kerumunan dengan Dodge Durango dan melepaskan tembakan sekitar pukul 11.30 malam, dan pria itu dinyatakan meninggal di rumah sakit.
Tidak ada perincian tentang siapa yang melepaskan tembakan, kata polisi. Aksi massa turun ke jalan-jalan di kota itu setelah mantan perwira Derek Chauvin didakwa dengan pembunuhan atas kematian Mr Floyd, seorang pria kulit hitam yang diborgol dan kesulitan bernafas ketika seorang petugas menekan lututnya di leher seperti dilansir MailOnline.
AT LEAST 7,500 demonstrators took to the streets in Oakland last night, clashing with police and sparking arson attacks and vandalism across the city.
During the squirmish, two officers with the Federal Protective Service - a part of Homeland Securitycreated to protect government facilities - were shot.
Police are investigating. Two Federal Protective Services officers stationed at the Oakland Downtown Federal Building suffered gunshot wounds.
Unfortunately, one succumbed to his injury,' the police department told CNN. A 19-year-old protester was shot dead in Detroit last night, while soldiers in North Carolina and in New York have been ordered to be ready to move in within four hours and troops in Colorado and Kansas within 24 hours.
Police said the man was killed after shots were fired at a crowd of people near Detroit's Greektown entertainment district last night with dozens of protesters out on the streets, but officers were not involved in the shooting.
The suspect pulled up to the crowd in a Dodge Durango and fired shots at around 11.30pm, and the man was pronounced dead in hospital.
No details about who fired the shots were immediately available, police said. Crowds took to the streets in the city after former officer Derek Chauvin was charged with murder over the death of Mr Floyd, a black man who was handcuffed and pleaded for air as an officer pressed his knee on his neck.