Konvoi Pangeran William dan Kate Tabrak Wanita Gaek di London
Grandmother is Seriously Ill in Hospital after Collision with William and Kate`s Police Convoy
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

KONVOI Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton terlibat kecelakaan saat keluarga Kerajaan Inggris tersebut dalam perjalanan dari London menuju Windsor. Diyakini kecelakaan tersebut melibatkan salah satu motor pengawal (inset kiri).
Juru bicara William dan Kate mengatakan kepada MailOnline bahwa mereka mengau ´sangat prihatin dan sedih´ atas apa yang terjadi dan telah menghubungi keluarga dari wanita gaek yang menjadi korban kecelakaan. Bunga pernyataan keprihatinan kerajaan pun telah dikirim.
Kantor Polisi Pengawal Kerajaan mengatakan bahwa korban kecelakaan berusia 83 tahun - yang disebut oleh tetangga sebagai Irene Mayor - dibawa ke rumah sakit London untuk menjalani perawatan serius tapi kondisinya stabil.
´Sejalan dengan prosedur, Kepolisian Metropolitan merujuk tabrakan ke pihak terkait,´ katanya dalam sebuah pernyataan. ‘Staf kami mendatangi lokasi kecelakaan dan setelah pertimbangan yang cermat, kami telah melaklukan penyelidikan independen.´
Investigasi masih dalam tahap awal dan petugas yang terlibat membantu penyelidikan kami sebagai saksi. ’Insiden ini terjadi di Upper Richmond Road, London barat daya, pukul 12.50 siang pada Senin waktu setempat (foto utama).
William dan Kate (kanan) bepergian untuk mendampingi Ratu Elizabeth II untuk upacara Order of the Garter. Ketika anggota Keluarga Kerajaan menggunakan jalan umum, mereka biasanya menggunakan mobil resmi - dalam hal ini kemungkinan besar Land Rover Discovery - didahului oleh Land Rover lainnya dengan polisi pengawal seperti dilansir MailOnline.
THE INCIDENT took place as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were heading from London to Windsor. It is believed to have involved one of their police motorcycle outriders (inset left).
A spokesman for William and Kate told the Mail they were ‘deeply concerned and saddened’ at what had happened and had been in touch with the elderly woman’s family. Flowers have been sent.
The Independent Office for Police Conduct said the 83-year-old victim – named by neighbours as Irene Mayor – was taken to a London hospital where she is in a serious but stable condition.
‘In line with procedure, the Metropolitan Police Service referred the collision to the IOPC,’ it said in a statement. ‘Our staff attended the scene of the incident and after careful consideration, we have launched an independent investigation.
The investigation is in its very early stages and the officer involved is assisting our enquiries as a witness.’ The incident occurred on Upper Richmond Road, south-west London, at 12.50pm on Monday (pictured main).
William and Kate (right) were travelling to join the Queen for an Order of the Garter ceremony. When members of the Royal Family use public roads they normally use an official car – in this case most probably a Land Rover Discovery – preceded by another Land Rover with armed police.