Rakyat Prancis Pesta Pora Rayakan Kemenangan Piala Dunia 2018
French Fans at Home and Abroad Erupt in Celebration of their Side`s Second World Cup Triumph
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

PENDUKUNG timnas Prancis di Rusia dan di negeri asal mereka melambaikan bendera tiga warna seraya bersorak-sorai ketika tim mereka menyapu kemenangan dengan kemenangan gemilang 4-2 di stadion Luzhniki.
Di Paris, di mana 90.000 orang berkumpul di dekat menara Eiffel (foto kiri) untuk menyaksikan pertandingan di layar TV raksasa, ada choruses dari Marseillaise, membunyikan klakson dan ratusan ribu bendera merah, putih dan biru Prancis berkibar di udara (kanan atas dan bawah).
Presiden Perancis Emmanuel Macron tampak kegirangan merayakan kemenangan timnas negaranya tanpa mempedulikan jabatannyadengan Brigitte istrinya sementara Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin menyaksikan pertandingan terakhir turnamen 2018 seperti dilansir MailOnline.
FANS in Russia and at home waved the French tricolor and cheered as their team swept to victory with a resounding 4-2 win at the Luzhniki stadium.
In Paris, where 90,000 people gathered next to the Eiffel tower (pictured left) to watch the match on vast TV screens, there were choruses of the Marseillaise, honking horns and hundreds of thousands of red, white and blue French flags fluttering in the breeze (right top and bottom).
A jubilant French President Emmanuel Macron celebrated wildly with his wife Brigitte while Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin watched on at the final game of the 2018 tournament.