Kesha Pimpin #TimesUp Grammys Protest di Ajang Grammy Awards
Kesha Leads #TimesUp Grammys Protest and Reduces Audience to Tears
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

LADY GAGA, Ryan Seacrest dan Eve termasuk di antara sederet bintang yang menyematkan atau membawa bunga mawar untuk berunjuk rasa, yang digelar oleh dua eksekutif musik wanita.
Meg Harkins dari Roc Nation dan Karen Rait of Interscope Records mengemukakan ide tersebut dan menyebarkan berita tersebut di industri hiburan, menurut Billboard.
Mereka mengatakan bahwa pilihan mawar putih itu terinspirasi oleh para penentang Presiden AS Donald Trump yang dijuluki suffragettes, yang mengenakan pakaian putih saat melakukan demonstrasi, dan Hillary Clinton, yang mengenakan pakaian putih saat Presiden Trump dilantik seperti dilansir MailOnline.
LADY GAGA, Ryan Seacrest and Eve were among the stars to don or carry a rose for the demonstration, which was organized by two female music executives.
Meg Harkins of Roc Nation and Karen Rait of Interscope Records came up with the idea and spread the word within the entertainment industry, according to Billboard.
They said the white rose choice was inspired by the suffragettes, who wore white while protesting, and Hillary Clinton , who wore white when President Trump was inaugurated.