Warga Dunia Panik Dicekam Wabah Virus Corona, Ini Foto-fotonya
Will it Kill Me? Should I Wear a Mask? Have I Got it Already?
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
RATUSAN jadwal penerbangan dibatalkan. Wisatawan terdampar, dikarantina di hotel mereka [foto tengah atas dan kanan].
Bahkan ada perencanaan pembatalan - bukan hanya menunda - Olimpiade di Tokyo, Jepang [kiri bawah]
Sulit untuk tidak merasakan kehancuran yang akan datang ketika membaca tentang infeksi coronavirus, yang dikenal sebagai Covid-19, menyapu dunia [sebuah trem di Korea Utara, kiri atas, seorang penumpang yang bepergian dari Milan, Italia, diperiksa suhunya, tengah, Wakil Menteri Kesehatan Iran sebelum didiagnosis menderita infeksi, kanan tengah].
Pada saat artikel ini dilaporkan MailOnline, virus Corona telah membunuh lebih dari 2.900 orang dan menginfeksi lebih dari 85.000 orang di 47 negara.
Dunia ingin tahu apa yang harus dilakukan tentang hal itu (penumpang di Milan menutupi seluruh wajahnya, menengah ke bawah, dan seorang pegawai bank mendisinfeksi uang tunai, kiri tengah) dan sebagainya - dari risiko kepada orang tua atau sakit dan bagaimana mengkarantina sendiri, untuk apa orang biasa dapat lakukan untuk melindungi diri mereka sendiri.
Foto kanan bawah: Paus Francis menyeka hidungnya saat ia mengambil bagian dalam prosesi ritual pada Rabu Abu di Roma, Italia.
HUNDREDS OF fligths have been cancelled. Tourists are stranded, quarantined in their hotels [pictured top middle and right].
There's even talk of cancelling - not just postponing - the Olympics [Tokyo, Japan, bottom left].
It's hard not to feel a sense of impending doom when reading about the coronavirus infection, known as Covid-19, sweeping the globe [a tram car in North Korea, top left, a passenger travelling from Milan, Italy, has their temperature checked, middle centre, Iran's Deputy Health Minister before he was diagnosed with the infection, middle right].
At the time of writing, it has killed more than 2,900 and infected in excess of 85,000 people in 47 countries.
The world wants to know what to do about it [commuters in Milan cover up completely, bottom middle, and a bank clerk disinfects cash, middle left] and so - from risks to the elderly or ill and how to self-quarantine, to what ordinary people can do to protect themselves - we asked some of the world's leading experts for answers to the big coronavirus questions.
Pictured bottom right: Pope Francis wipes his nose as he takes part in the penitential procession on Ash Wednesday in Rome, Italy.