Kontroversi Macron? Teror Landa Prancis Tewaskan Tiga Warga di Nice
Two Terror Attack Hit France: Three Dead - with Two Beheaded
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
PRANCIS dilanda dua serangan teror - yang pertama di Nice, di mana tiga orang tewas di dalam katedral, dan yang kedua di Avignon, di mana seorang penikam ´meneriakkan Allahu Akbar´ sebelum ditembak oleh polisi.
Serangan pertama berlangsung sekitar pukul 09:00 pagi waktu setempat di katedral Notre Dame di Nice.
Seorang wanita dan seorang pria pengurus gereja terbunuh di dalam gereja sementara seorang wanita lain yang ditusuk di tenggorokan berhasil melarikan diri ke seberang jalan, sebelum meninggal dunia.
Serangan kedua diluncurkan sekitar dua jam kemudian dan sejauh 120 mil jauhnya, di Avignon, di mana seorang pria berteriak mengancam pejalan kaki dengan pisau sebelum ditembak oleh polisi.
Serangan itu terjadi hanya dua minggu setelah seorang guru bernama Samuel Paty tewas dipenggal dalam sebuah serangan di Paris setelah menunjukkan kartun Nabi Muhammad kepada murid-muridnya.
Aksi tersebut terjadi di tengah protes massal di negara-negara Islam terhadap Presiden Prancis Macron, setelah dia membela karya kartun yang memicu protes warga Muslim di seluruh dunia seperti dilansir MailOnline.
FRANCE has been hit by two terror attacks - the first in Nice, where three people were killed inside a cathedral, and the second in Avignon, where a knifeman ´shouting Allahu Akbar´ was shot by police.
The first attack began around 9am at the Notre Dame cathedral in Nice. A woman and a male church warden were killed inside the church while another woman who had been stabbed in the throat managed to flee across the street, before dying.
The second attack was launched around two hours later and 120miles away, in Avignon, where a man with a knife began threatening pedestrians before being shot by police.
The attacks come just a fortnight after teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded in an attack in Paris after showing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to his students.
It also comes amid mass protests in Islamic countries against Macron, after he defended the cartoons.