Tembus 2.509, Kabar Horor dari Jenazah Pasien Covid-19 di New York
Dead Bodies are Loaded into Refrigerated Trucks Outside New York Hospitals
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
FOTO-FOTO dan rekaman video mengerikan menyeruak dari sejumlah jenazah yang dimuat ke truk berpendingin dengan forklift di luar rumah sakit Brooklyn, pada hari yang sama seorang perawat mem-viral-kan sejumlah foto-foto horor tentang korban tewas dari Covid-19 yang ditumpuk dalam truk.
Video klip itu menunjukkan staf medis di jalan di luar RS Brooklyn di Fort Greene, Brooklyn ketika palet mayat dibawa ke jalan dengan forklift dan kemudian ditaruh ke truk berpendingin yang menunggu sebelum membawanya pergi.
Seorang pria yang merekam rekaman berulang kali mengatakan 'ini nyata', 'serius' dan 'di rumah saja', ketika mayat-mayat dijajarkan di sepanjang jalan.
"Di sini, di Brooklyn, ini rumah sakit Brooklyn, ini nyata," kata pria itu.
Mungkin aspek yang paling meresahkan dari rekaman itu adalah rekamannya di lingkungan Brooklyn di mana jalan-jalan dipenuhi pepohonan dan yang dikenal ramah keluarga, dipenuhi dengan restoran, bar trendi dan toko-toko indie.
Kejadian mengerikan muncul sebagai kasus dan kematian akibat virus Corona di New York. Di Negara Bagian New York, tercatat 59.568 kasus, sekitar 1.126 kematian. Dari kasus-kasus itu, 33.700 berada di dalam lima wilayah, seperti 776 dari korban fatal.
Rekaman video dibagikan kemarin, pada hari yang sama seorang perawat di RS Manhattan menyebarkan foto bagian dalam dari salah satu truk, berisikan deretan kantong mayat korban virus Corona.
Pria berusia 38 tahun itu mengambil foto pada akhir giliran jaga pada Minggu 'untuk menunjukkan kepada publik' tentang kenyataan mengerikan 'dari virus Corona di AS, katanya kepada Buzzfeednews.
"Ini adalah realitas mengerikan dari apa yang kita hadapi dan di mana sebagian dari kita sudah meninggal dunia," katanya.
Dia menambahkan bahwa salah satu orang yang terbaring di truk adalah seorang wanita yang dia hibur saat dia meninggal.
“Saya tidak pernah memiliki kesabaran untuk duduk dengan seseorang yang baru saja kutemui sampai mereka menarik napas terakhir. Tetapi saya sangat menyukai kardigan dan piyama almarhum sehingga saya memutuskan untuk tinggal dan mengenalnya,' katanya.
Rumah sakit New York City menyiapkan kamar mayat darurat di luar fasilitas mereka untuk menangani meluapnya korban ketika pandemi virus Corona menghantam Big Apple kemarin.
Truk berpendingin terlihat diparkir di luar beberapa pusat medis terbesar di seluruh lima wilayah selama akhir pekan.
Tenda-tenda berwarna coklat dengan petugas medis di dalam yang melakukan evaluasi cepat terhadap pasien-pasien virus korona potensial terlihat di luar beberapa fasilitas ketika kota itu mengalami lonjakan kematian. Pada hari Minggu saja, 98 orang meninggal dalam rentang waktu hanya tujuh jam.
Terakhir kali New York City mengerahkan ribuan tenaga medis di luar rumah sakit adalah setelah serangan teroris 11 September 2001 seperti dilansir MailOnline.
HORRIFYING footage has emerged of dead bodies being loaded onto a refrigerated truck with a forklift outside a Brooklyn hospital the same day a nurse shared a harrowing image of fatal victims of covid-19 piled up inside another.
The clip shows medical staff on the street outside Brooklyn Hospital in Fort Greene, Brooklyn as a pallet of bodies is led down the street by a forklift and then slid into a refrigerated truck waiting to take the corpses away.
A man recording the footage repeats 'this is real', 'take it seriously' and 'stay inside', as the bodies are driven along the road.
'Right here in Brooklyn, this is Brooklyn hospital, this is real,' the man said.
Perhaps the most unsettling aspect of the footage is that it's recorded in a neighborhood of Brooklyn where the streets are lined with trees and that known to be family-friendly, studded with casual restaurants, hip bars and indie shops.
The harrowing scenes come as cases and deaths from the coronavirus in New York pummel both city and state. In New York State, 59,568 cases have been recorded, with at least 1,126 deaths. Of those cases, 33,700 were within the five boroughs, as were 776 of the fatal victims.
The clip was shared yesterday, the same day a nurse at a Manhattan hospital shared an image of inside of one of the trucks, lined on either side with body bags.
The 38-year-old took the photo at the end of his shift on Sunday 'to show people' the 'ghastly reality' of the coronavirus in the US, he told Buzzfeednews.
'It is the ghastly reality of what we deal with and where some of us have ended up already,' he said.
He added that one of the people laying in the truck was a woman he had comforted as she dies.
'I never had the patience to sit with somebody I'd just met until they took their last breath. But I really liked this lady's cardigan and pajamas so I decided to stay and get to know her a little,' he said.
New York City hospitals set up makeshift morgues outside of their facilities to handle the overflow of victims as the coronavirus pandemic hit the Big Apple hard yesterday.
Refrigerated trucks were seen parked outside several of the largest medical centers throughout the five boroughs over the weekend.
Brown tents with medical officials inside who do rapid evaluations of potential coronavirus patients were seen outside of some facilities as the city experienced a surge of deaths. On Sunday alone, 98 people died within a span of just seven hours.
The last time that New York City deployed a fleet of makeshift morgues outside hospitals was in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.