Kunjungi Inggris, Presiden Trump Disambut Ratu Elizabeth II di Istana Buckingham
US President are Greeted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

PRESIDEN AS Donald Trump berada di Istana Buckingham untuk makan siang bersama Ratu Elizabeth II, Pangeran Charles, Pangeran Harry, dan bangsawan senior lainnya, Senin [3/6] melalui upacara resmi kerajaan menyambut tamu negara.
Trump dan First Lady Melania tiba di pusat kota London, sementara putrinya, Ivanka mengintip dari jendela untuk menyaksikan ribuan orang berkumpul di luar Istana di bawah sinar matahari awal musim panas.
Trump selaku Panglima Tertinggi Militer AS tiba di halaman Istana Buckingham disambut Pangeran Charles yang menemuinya di halaman istana dengan penyambutan ala militer Inggris, Salute Royal, dari meriam ditembakkan di Green Park yang berdekatan dengan markas militer Inggris, The King´s Troop, Royal Horse Artilery tak jauh dari Menara London di tepi Sungai Thames.
Pangeran Charles selaku pewaris takhta Kerajaan Inggris kemudian menerima kedatangan Presiden dan Ibu Negara Melania menaiki tangga untuk menemui Ratu Elizabeth II seperti dilansir MailOnline.
DONALD TRUMP is at Buckingham Palace for lunch with the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince Harry and other senior royals today as Britain rolled out the red carpet for the leader of the free world.
Mr Trump and his wife Melania landed at Her Majesty´s central London home while his visibly excited daughter Ivanka peered from a window to watch thousands gathered outside in the early summer sunshine.
Marine One landed on the lawn of Buckingham Palace and Prince Charles met him on the lawn as a Royal Salute of cannons was fired in neighbouring Green Park by The King´s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and further away at the Tower of London on the banks of the Thames.
The heir to the throne then took the President and First Lady Melania up the steps to meet Her Majesty the Queen, who smiled as she shook their hands.