Ditangkap, Wanita yang Diduga Bunuh Delapan Anak di Australia
Australian Woman Arrested in Deaths of Eight Children
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Cairns, Australia (B2B) - Seorang wanita berusia 37 tahun telah ditangkap pihak kepolisian Australia, Sabtu, setelah didapati membunuh delapan anak di sebuah rumah di tepian kota Cairns, Queensland.
Peristiwa yang tragis itu mulai diketahui publik ketika polisi menemukan delapan jenasah di dalam rumah yang terletak di Jalan Murray, Manoora, di mana tujuh di antaranya adalah anak si ibu sendiri.
Polisi menyebutkan perempuan yang diduga melakukan pembunuhan saat ini dalam kondisi "sadar dan sanggup diajak berbicara".
Inspektur detektif Bruno Asnicar menyebutkan perempuan itu sedang dirawat di rumah sakit Cairns untuk menyembuhkan luka-luka yang dialaminya dalam kejadian Jumat pagi tersebut.
"Untuk saat ini kami tidak mencari pihak lain," kata Bruno kepada wartawan sebagaimana dilaporkan The Guardian, Sabtu.
Polisi juga sudah memindahkan semua jenasah dari rumah, dan saat ini sedang diotopsi untuk diidentifikasi untuk membantu pihak keluarga yang anggotanya menjadi korban.
Cairns, Australia - Queensland police consider murder charges against 37-year-old, mother to seven of the victims, as relatives tell of their shock and disbelief.
Queensland police said they were considering murder charges against a Cairns mother as relatives struggled to fathom how a woman who was a maternal figure to extended family and friends could be accused of killing seven of her own children, as well as a niece, in Australia’s worst ever such case.
The arrested woman, aged 37, remained under police guard in hospital on Saturday after the stabbing deaths of the eight children at her house in the north Queensland city’s suburb of Manoora a day earlier.
Detective Inspector Bruno Asnicar told reporters the arrested woman was “currently assisting us with our enquiries” while all other parents had been spoken to by police.
Asnicar said charges against the arrested woman “will be considered of course – investigations are obviously continuing in that direction”.
For those hit hardest by one of Australia’s worst mass killings – the circumstances of which remained unclear – the case was impossible to fathom.