Pembuat Bom, Remaja London Divonis 42 Bulan Penjara
University Student, 19, Jailed for 42 Months for ‘Serious Terrorism Offences’
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
SEORANG remaja asal London Tenggara dipenjara karena membagikan manual pembuatan bom secara online, yang disamarkan sebagai panduan bermain video game `Minecraft`.
Mahasiswa, Connor Burke, 19, membagikan manual, yang berisi informasi tetang cara membuat alat peledak improvisasi [IED] di Telegram ke grup yang berisi sekitar 12.000 pengguna.
Setelah melacaknya melalui akun media sosialnya, polisi menangkap Burke di rumah keluarganya di Bexleyheath, dan menemukan dokumen terkait teroris di perangkat elektroniknya, kata Pengadilan Woolwich Crown, London, Inggris.
Penggeledahan di kamarnya juga menemukan salinan Mein Kampf dan The Anarchist Cookbook karya Adolf Hitler, yang memberikan saran untuk membuat bahan peledak, kata pengadilan.
Dia mengaku bersalah karena menyebarkan publikasi teroris dan empat tuduhan kepemilikan dokumen yang bisa dipergunakan seseorang untuk melakukan atau mempersiapkan tindakan terorisme, dalam sidang pada Juli 2021.
Dia dijatuhi hukuman di Woolwich Crown Court dengan total 42 bulan penjara dan tambahan 12 bulan untuk lisensi, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
A TEENAGER from South East London has been jailed for sharing a bomb-making manual online which he disguised as a guide for the popular video game Minecraft.
Connor Burke, 19, a London university student shared the manual, which contained information on how to create improvised explosive devices (IEDs), on Telegram to a group containing around 12,000 users.
After tracking him through his social media account, police arrested Burke at his family home in Bexleyheath, and found further terrorist-related documents on his electronic devices, Woolwich Crown Court heard.
A search of his room also discovered a copy of Adolf Hitler´s Mein Kampf and The Anarchist Cookbook, which gave advice for building explosives, the court was told.
He pleaded guilty to disseminating a terrorist publication and to four counts of possession of a document likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, in a hearing in July 2021.
He was sentenced at Woolwich Crown Court to a total of 42 months’ imprisonment and an additional 12 months on licence.
In November 2020, Counter Terrorism officers became aware of a Telegram account where a user posted a file containing detailed information on how to created IEDs.
The file was named ´Minecraft_Bow_Ammo_Types.pdf´ in an attempt to hide its true nature and was posted in to a group containing around 12,000 users.
Detectives established the person behind the account was a student at a London University.
After officers contacted the university, they were able to identify Burke as the potential suspect.
Police attended his address in February 2021 where they arrested Burke.
When they searched his room, officers found various Nazi Germany memorabilia items - including daggers, rings and uniform items - as well as a copy of Mein Kampf and The Anarchist Cookbook.
Officers seized his electronic devices and found evidence linking the Telegram account to Burke.
Detectives also identified a further three terrorist-related documents on the devices as well as the manual he had shared to the Telegram Minecraft group.
Burke was charged with the five offences on March 1, 2021.
He pleaded guilty to all the counts at a hearing in July 2021 – but claimed that the dissemination of the bomb-making manual was done so on a reckless basis.