Zahari Ahmad Shah: Pilot MH370, Rumahnya Didatangi Polisi Malaysia
Malaysia Home Minister Confirmed that Police Allegations MH370 Crew Members Home Searched
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Kuala Lumpur (B2B) - Menteri Dalam Negeri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, mengakui polisi telah datangi rumah kapten pilot MH379, Kapten Zahari Ahmad Shah, untuk mendapatkan informasi.
Kunjungan itu, kata Hamidi, hal biasa untuk mendapatkan semua informasi membantu pengusutan. MH370 Malaysia Airlines dinyatakan hilang sejak Sabtu lalu (8/3), dengan 329 jiwa di dalam penerbangan Kuala Lumpur-Beijing itu.
Ada informasi beredar, polisi Malaysia menggeledah rumah Shah, pilot senior usia 53 tahun dengan hampir 20.000 jam terbang dan bekerja di Malaysia Airlines sejak 1981.
Kepolisian Diraja Malaysia ada di bawah administrasi Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan bertanggung jawab kepada perdana menteri Malaysia, seperti dilansir Yahoo News.
"Apa yang dilakukan Polisi Diraja Malaysia adalah mencari informasi, bukan menangkap. Informasi-informasi itu untuk mempermudah pencarian. Mungkin ada yang bisa digunakan sebagai tambahan petunjuk untuk pencarian," kata dia.
"Saya pikir ini bukan siasatan untuk diambil tindakan, jangan berpikir bahwa polisi itu zalim," katanya.
Pengusutan difokuskan pada empat isu yaitu sabotase, pembajakan, masalah psikologi dan pribadi penumpang maupun antar awak pesawat terbang Boeing B-777-200ER yang diketahui baru selesai diinspeksi tahap A beberapa hari sebelum lepas landas yang nahas itu.
Kuala Lumpur - The Home Minister has confirmed that police visited the homes of crew members onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said it was all part of the investigation into the missing aircraft, adding that several other locations were also covered.
"It is to further probe the case and add value to the investigation.
"It´s normal for the police to visit the homes as part of its investigation,” he said at a press conference today at the Police College in Cheras.
However, Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein today at the evening press conference, said police had not visited any of the houses of the crew.
On Tuesday, Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar had said police are investigating four categories in an attempt to find out what may have led to the disappearance of missing flight MH370.
"We are looking into four areas – hijacking, sabotage, psychological problems of the passengers and the crew, and personal problems among the passengers and the crew," Khalid had said.
He added that police were looking at all angles and were studying behavioural patterns of those on board the aircraft.
Khalid had said that Federal CID director Comm Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah would lead a team investigating these four areas.