Air Algerie Jatuh, Prancis Ragukan Akibat Korban Penyerangan
French Officials Doubt Air Algerie Plane was Attack Victim
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Paris (B2B) - Para penyelidik menyimpulkan pesawat Air Algerie yang membawa 116 orang penumpang terbelah ketika terhempas ke daratan, kata pejabat Prancis seperti dikutip Reuters.
Pernyataan itu menepis anggapan pesawat tersebut menjadi korban penyerangan.
"Pesawat rusak seketika saat terhempas jatuh," kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Prancis Bernard Cazeneuve kepada radio RTL mengenai rongsokan pesawat yang membawa 51 warga Prancis dan jatuh di Mali di dekat perbatasan dengan Burkina Faso pada Kamis, seperti dilansir Yahoo News.
"Kami meyakini pesawat itu jatuh karena alasan yang terkait dengan cuaca, meskipun tidak mengabaikan kemunginan lain," tambah dia.
Secara terpisah, Menteri Perhubungan Frederic Cuviller mengatakan bau bahan bakar yang kuat di lokasi jatuhnya pesawat dan kenyataan bahwa puing-puingnya tersebar dalam jarak yang kecil juga menunjukkan kemungkinan pesawat terjatuh akibat cuaca buruk atau masalah teknis lainnya.
Paris - Investigators have concluded the Air Algerie flight with 116 people on board broke apart when it hit the ground, French officials said on Friday, suggesting this meant it was unlikely to have been the victim of an attack.
"The aircraft was destroyed at the moment it crashed," Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told RTL radio of the wreckage of the plane carrying 51 French nationals which crashed in Mali near the border with Burkina Faso on Thursday.
"We think the aircraft crashed for reasons linked to the weather conditions, although no theory can be excluded at this point," he added.
Separately, Transport Minister Frederic Cuvillier said the strong smell of aircraft fuel at the crash site and the fact that the debris was scattered over a relatively small area also suggested the cause of the crash was linked to weather, a technical problem or a cumulation of such factors.