Sehari 1.200 Tewas di AS akibat Corona, 380 Ribu Positif Covid-19 di Amerika
More than 12,000 Americans Now Dead from Coronavirus
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
LEBIH DARI 12.000 warga Amerika meninggal dunia karena virus Corona dan jumlah pasien positif Covid-19 meningkat menjadi lebih dari 380.000 setelah pandemi terus menyebar.
Korban tewas meningkat sekitar 1.200 dalam 24 jam pada Selasa sehingga total kematian menjadi 12.035.
Sekarang ada 383.260 kasus yang dikonfirmasi di seluruh AS. Angka menunjukkan jumlah kematian meningkat secara drastis sebanyak lebih dari 8.000 pada minggu pertama April dibandingkan Maret ketika 4.000 kematian dicatat.
Jumlah mengerikan tersebut muncul setelah pejabat kesehatan memperingatkan minggu ini akan menjadi salah satu yang paling sulit bagi orang Amerika mengingat korban tewas diperkirakan akan terus meningkat dalam jumlah yang sangat besar.
Data memperkirakan puncak pandemi masih melanda pada 16 April di mana 3.000 kematian diperkirakan terjadi dalam 24 jam, menurut perkiraan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Washington.
Para pejabat kesehatan telah memperingatkan bahwa angka kematian akibat coronavirus kemungkinan jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang dilaporkan karena tidak ada kebijakan nasional yang efisien untuk melaporkan kematian di tengah pandemi.
New York tetap menjadi episentrum wabah AS dengan 731 kematian baru dilaporkan pada Selasa - lompatan satu hari terbesarnya - membuat jumlah total kematian di negara bagian itu menjadi 5.489 kematian.
Sekarang ada 138.836 pasien positif Covid-19 yang dikonfirmasi di seluruh negara bagian menyusul peningkatan 8.147 kasus dalam 24 jam.
Korban kematian New York City akibat virus Corona meningkat menjadi lebih dari 3.200, melampaui jumlah yang tewas di World Trade Center pada 9/11.
Serangan teror paling mematikan di Amerika menewaskan 2.753 orang di kawasan perkotaan.
"Banyak rasa sakit lagi hari ini bagi banyak warga New York," kata Gubernur Andrew Cuomo pada Selasa seperti dilansir MailOnline.
MORE THAN 12,000 Americans have now died from the coronavirus and the number of confirmed infections has increased to over 380,000 as the pandemic continues to spread.
The death toll increased by roughly 1,200 in 24 hours on Tuesday to bring the total number of fatalities to 12,035.
There are now 383,260 confirmed cases across the country. Figures show the number of fatalities has increased drastically by more than 8,000 in the first week of April compared to the entire month of March when 4,000 deaths were recorded.
The harrowing figures come as health officials warned this week would be one of the hardest for Americans given the death toll is expected to continue to rise in such stark numbers.
Data has predicted the peak of the pandemic is still yet to hit on April 16 where 3,000 deaths are expected to occur in 24 hours, according to forecasters at the University of Washington's School of Medicine.
Health officials have warned that the death toll from coronavirus is likely much higher than is being reported because there is no national, streamlined way of reporting fatalities amid the pandemic.
New York remains the epicenter of the US outbreak with 731 new fatalities reported on Tuesday - its biggest one-day jump yet - bringing the total number of deaths in the state to 5,489 deaths.
There are now 138,836 confirmed infections across the state following an increase of 8,147 cases in 24 hours.
New York City's death toll from the coronavirus has increased to more than 3,200, eclipsing the number killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
The deadliest terror attack on American soil killed 2,753 people in the city.
'A lot of pain again today for many New Yorkers,' Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Tuesday.