Penggemar Cosplay Sejagat Kumpul Bareng di Chicago
Cosplay Fans Don their Best Costumes at Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

PENGGEMAR cosplay atau kostum super hero mengenakan kostum terbaik mereka untuk menghadiri hari terakhir dari konvensi cosplay di Chicago, Wizard World Comic Con.
Ribuan penggemar, muda dan tua, mendatangi Donald E. Stephens Convention Center di Rosemont pada Minggu.
Konvensi hari terakhir mendorong penggemar cosplay lebih bersemangat megenakan pakaian sebagai karakter populer dari film Ghostbusters hingga Guardians of the Galaxy.
Selama konvensi, yang berlangsung sejak Kamis (23/8), pengunjung disuguhi sesi Temu Bintang dari para bintang pendukung film top super hero termasuk The X-Files, Outlander dan Smallville seperti dilansir MailOnline.
COSPLAY fans donned their best costumes to attend the final day of Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago.
Thousands of fans, young and old, descended on the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont on Sunday.
The final day saw excited fans dressed as popular characters from Ghostbusters to Guardians of the Galaxy.
Over the course of the convention, which ran from August 23 to 26, visitors were treated to group Q&A sessions from the stars of shows including The X-Files, Outlander and Smallville.