Yandex Lampaui Bing menjadi Mesin Pencari Terbesar ke-4 di Dunia
Yandex Just Passed Bing to Become 4th Largest Global Search Engine
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
![Yandex Lampaui Bing menjadi Mesin Pencari Terbesar ke-4 di Dunia]( search engine (crunchbase com) b.jpg)
LAMAN mesin pencari (search engine) asal Rusia, Yandex, telah melampaui posisi Microsoft Bing dalam peringkat mesin pencari paling banyak digunakan di dunia pada November-Desember 2012, demikian laporan perusahaan riset ComScore qSearch. Yandex memproses 4,844 miliar pencarian. Sedangkan Bing memproses 4,477 miliar pencarian.
Sementara, Google dengan kemampuannya memproses 114,73 miliar pencarian dan memiliki pangsa pasar 65,2 persen. Di urutan kedua, mesin pencari asal China, Baidu, telah memproses 14,5 miliar pencarian dengan pangsa pasar 8,2 persen. Dan Yahoo memproses pencarian 8,63 miliar dengan pangsa pasar 4,9 persen.
Yandex hanyalah perusahaan mesin pencari dan tidak menjual piranti lunak kecuali turunan layanan dari pencarian seperti pencarian harga retail ataupun properti.
Di sisi lain, Microsoft mempunyai sejumlah layanan seperti MSN atau Windows Live yang juga dikenal comScore sebagai situs pencarian selain Bing.
"Anda akan mengira dengan semua uang, kekuatan, dan sumber daya mereka, Microsoft akan meraih volume total pencarian tertinggi," sebut Michael Bonfils dari situs Search Engine Watch.
Search Engine Watch mencatat pencarian di situs pencari global menurun 4,6 persen sejak Desember 2011, terutama dari para pengguna yang berasal dari negara-negara barat termasuk AS.
Namun di Rusia, lanjut Bonfils, pengguna mesin pencari terus tumbuh dan berkembang seiring dengan peningkatan pengguna Internet yang mencapai 67,9 juta orang pada 2012 dari 62 juta orang pada 2011.
Yandex mulai beroperasi pada tahun 1997. Data terakhir menyebutkan perusahaan yang berkantor pusat di Moscow itu mempekerjakan sedikitnya 3.300 orang.
SEARCH engine from Russia, Yandex has surpassed Microsoft´s Bing position in search engine rankings most widely used in the world in November-December 2012, as reported by research firm ComScore qSearch. Yandex has processed 4.844 billion searches, while Bing processed 4.477 billion searches.
Meanwhile, Google´s ability to process the 114.73 billion searches and has 65.2 percent market share. In the second, the Chinese search engine, Baidu, has processed 14.5 billion search with market share of 8.2 percent. And Yahoo processed 8.63 billion search with market share of 4.9 percent.
Yandex search engine company only and does not sell software unless derived from services such as search or property search retail prices.
While Microsoft has a number of services such as MSN or Windows Live which is also known as the comScore search sites other than Bing.
"You´d think with all the money, power, and resources, Microsoft will achieve the highest search volume total," said Michael Bonfils of websites Search Engine Watch.
Search Engine Watch noted a search on search sites globally declined 4.6 percent since December 2011, mainly from the users of the western countries including the U.S.
But in Russia, continued Bonfils, search engine users continues to grow and evolve with the increase of Internet users reached 67.9 million people in 2012 from 62 million people in 2011.
Yandex began operations in 1997. Data last mentioned company is headquartered in Moscow that employs at least 3,300 people.