Motor Listrik Off Road `Tanpa Suara` untuk Militer AS
The Stealth Electric Motorcycle that Can Silently Transport Soldiers
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
BADAN Riset dan Pengembangan Teknologi Amerika Serikat (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency/Darpa) bersama perusahaan asal San Fransisco tengah mengembangkan sebuah sepeda listrik khusus militer.
Kendaraan off road ini nantinya akan bisa mengangkut prajurit serta senjata mereka secara diam-diam untuk jarak jauh.
"Ketika sudah siap, teknologi ini akan berukuran kecil dan bisa mendistribusikan tim militer secara cepat dengan jangkauan yang jauh serta diam-diam ke wilayah musuh," kata Logos Technologies, yang menerima dana penelitian inovasi bisnis (SBIR) dari DARPA seperti dilansir Mail Online.
Pengembangan kendaraan itu bekerjasama dengan produsen motor listrik San Fransisco, BRD, dan Logos Technologies.
Logos memberi sistem tenaga hybrid multifuel yang senyap sedangkan platform motor disediakan BRD.
"Kendaraan yang senyap dengan kemampuan all-wheel drive pada jarak jauh dan jalan tak bersahabat ini bisa mendukung kesuksesan operasi ekspedisi Amerika Serikat dan satuan khusus pada kondisi medan ekstrem," kata Manager of Advanced Concepts di Logos Technologies, Wade Pulliam.
THE Spanish Inquisition was famously never expected - and the US military hopes to achieve a similar trick with a new silent stealth motorcycle. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working with a San Francisco firm to develop a special military electric bike.
The off road vehicle would be able to transport soldiers and their weapons over long distances silently.
'When fully matured, the technology will allow small, distributed military teams to move long distances quickly and stealthily across harsh enemy terrain,' said Logos Technologies, which received the small business innovation research (SBIR) grant from DARPA
Developed in partnership with San Francisco-based all-electric motorcycle producer BRD, the stealth bike will combine Logos Technologies’ quieted, multifuel hybrid-electric power system with a motorcycle platform developed by BRD.
The firm says it will be the first time that a two-wheel-drive, multifuel hybrid capability has been integrated into a full-size off-road motorcycle.
'Quieted, all-wheel-drive capability at extended range in a lightweight, rugged, single-track vehicle could support the successful operations of U.S. expeditionary and special forces in extreme terrain conditions and contested environments,' said Wade Pulliam, manager of advanced concepts at Logos Technologies.