Mustang Pamerkan Seri Terbaru di Gedung Tertinggi di Dunia

New Mustang in the Highest Car Showroom in the World

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Mustang Pamerkan Seri Terbaru di Gedung Tertinggi di Dunia
Foto2: MailOnline

PERKENALKAN inilah ruang pamer mobil tertinggi di dunia.

Di lantai 112 gedung tertinggi di dunia, Burj Khalifa di Dubai, bos dari perusahaan motor Ford memamerkan mobil terbaru mereka - Mustang kuning.

Sebuah tim terdiri atas enam insinyur mengusung Mustang ini secara khusus dari markas Ford di Dearborn, Michigan, di Amerika Serikat, ke Dubai dengan pesawat Emirates Airlines.

Setelah mobil tiba di Dubai, diangkut ke lantai dasar Burj Khalifa dan secara hati-hati dipisahkan menjadi enam bagian hingga dapat diangkut ke lantai 112 melalui lift gedung.

Tim kembali merakit kembali mobil sekitar 12 jam. Tinggi gedung Burj Khalifa sekitar 828 meter, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Perakitan ulang rampung ketika sang bos Bill Ford menempelkan emblem kuda pada Mustang di lantai 112.

Pada pembukaan ruang pamer di Dubai, teringat bagaimana, pada 1965, perusahaan yang dipimpinnya telah menempatkan 1.965 unit Mustang Convertible yang ketika tercatat sebagai gedung tertinggi tertinggi di dunia - Empire State Building di New York.

Gedung jangkung Burj Khalifa - yang meliputi hotel, klub malam tertinggi di dunia, restoran dan ruang kantor - mulai dibangun pada September 2004.

Gedung ini dirancang oleh Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, perusahaan arsitektur yang sama di belakang pembangunan Menara Willis di Chicago dan One World Trade Center di New York.

Setelah pembangunan gedung sempat ditunda, gedung pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia ini dikelilingi oleh 27 hektar -taman, yang dibuka pada 4 Januari 2010.

INTRODUCING the world's highest car showroom.

On the 112th floor of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, bosses of the Ford motor company showed off their new model - a yellow Mustang. 

A team of six engineers travelled with the special Mustang from Ford's world headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan, in the United States, to Dubai aboard an Emirates Airlines flight.

Once the car arrived in Dubai, it was transported to the base of Burj Khalifa and carefully separated into six sections that could be transported to the 112th level via the building's lifts.

The team re-assembled the vehicle over approximately 12 hours. The Burj Khalifa measures 2,717ft.

The re-assembling was complete when Ford executive chairman Bill Ford placed the pony badge on the Mustang on the 112th floor.

At the ceremony in Dubai Mr Ford recalled how, in 1965, the company had placed a 1965 Mustang Convertible atop what was then the world's tallest building - the Empire State Building in New York.

Building on the Burj Khalifa - which includes a hotel, the world's highest nightclub, restaurants and office space - started in September 2004.

It was designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, the same architecture firm behind the Willis Tower in Chicago and the new One World Trade Center in New York.

After delays the building, surrounded by 27 acres of landscaped gardens, opened on January 4 2010.