Salju Tebal Ubah Paris jadi lebih Menarik
Paris Looks more Beautiful than ever after Seven Inches of Snow
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

PARIS yang dijuluki sebagai ´kota cinta´ berubah menjadi keajaiban musim dingin setelah salju setebal 17 cm menutupi ibu kota Prancis tersebut hanya dalam semalam.
Ikon terkenal seperti Notre Dame dan Menara Eiffel ditutupi salju, dan istana terkenal Disneyland Paris berubah warna pink ke putih.
Wisatawan Inggris yang berkunjung ke salah satu kota besar di Eropa ini berniat menambah masa kunjungan di kota tersebut, setelah layanan Eurostar berkecepatan tinggi ditunda atau dibatalkan.
Kendati begitu, penduduk setempat tidak nyaman dengan cuaca dingin dan salju yang menyelimuti sebagian besar Prancis, termasuk Paris, memaksa warga meringkuk di rumah masing-masing seperti dilansir MailOnline.
THE CITY of Love has become a scenic winter wonderland after seven inches of snow fell in Paris overnight.
Iconic landmarks such as the Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower are covered in snow, and the Disneyland Paris´ famous castle is shifting from pink to white.
British tourists visiting the French capital are likely to have to spend a few more hours in the city, as high-speed Eurostar services to London have been delayed or cancelled.
Locals however, are less pleased with the weather as large parts of France, including Paris, ground to a halt because of the snow.