Israel Terancam Musnah di Jagat Internet
Israel Prepares to be `Wiped Off the Internet`
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
ISRAEL kini harus bersiap menghadapi pertempuran internet terbesar dalam sejarah umat manusia. Sekelompok hacker akhir pekan ini menjanjikan menghapus Israel dari peta internet, untuk mengenang Hari Peringatan Holocaust 7 April.
Dikutip dari Ibtimes, Sabtu (06/04), serangan itu di bawah bendera OpIsrael, telah dirancang sekelompok hacker yang beraviliasi secara online, Anonymous. Akhir pekan ini direncanakan serangan cyber terhadap pemerintah, bank, website akademik, dan bisnis, sebagai tindak lanjut serangan serupa yang diluncurkan November lalu.
OpIsrael Anonymous pada November lalu merupakan reaksi atas ribuan bom yang dijatuhkan di Jalur Gaza. Saat itu Anonymous menyatakan bahwa dalam beberapa jam "ada ribuan defaces dan hacks, database dirilis atau dihapus, puluhan gangguan pada situs pemerintah dan banyak lagi."
Gelombang kedua dari OpIsrael dimulai sebulan lalu. Dalam siaran persnya, kelompok hacker tersebut menyatakan, “Anda (Israel) TIDAK berhenti melakukan pelanggaran HAM. Anda TIDAK berhenti membangun pemukiman ilegal. Anda TIDAK menghormati gencatan senjata. Anda telah menunjukkan bahwa Anda TIDAK menghormati hukum internasional. Ini sebabnya bahwa pada tanggal 7 April, elit cyber skuadron dari seluruh dunia telah memutuskan untuk bersatu dalam solidaritas dengan rakyat Palestina melawan Israel sebagai satu kesatuan untuk mengganggu dan menghapus Israel dari dunia maya.”
Biasa Diserang
Namun Israel tidak asing dengan serangan cyber. November lalu Menteri Luar Negeri Israel Yuval Steinitz mengungkapkan, bahwa pihaknya telah menghadapi 44 juta serangan cyber sejak awal operasi militer di Gaza.
“Kami menuai buah dari investasi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dalam pengembangan sistem pertahanan komputerisasi, tetapi kami masih memiliki banyak pekerjaan,” kata Steinitz pada saat itu.
Guna meningkatkan keamanan di wilayah infrastruktur yang penting, Asosiasi Internet Israel (ISOC) sedang mempersiapkan untuk menangani masalah yang bakal diderita warga sipil akibat serangan OpIsrael. Mereka bahkan telah mendirikan hotline bagi warga untuk menghubungi jika mereka menghadapi masalah dengan layanan internet.
AS ISRAEL prepares to mark Holocaust Memorial Day on 7 April, the country is also facing what has been described as the "largest Internet battle in the history of mankind" which promises to "wipe Israel off the map of the internet."
The attack, under the OpIsrael banner, has been organised by a group of hackers who are loosely affiliated with the online hacktivist collective Anonymous. This weekend´s planned cyber-attack on government, banks, academic and business websites is a follow-up to a similar attack launched last November.
In response to "thousands of bombs" being dropped on the Gaza Strip, Anonymous launched OpIsrael last November and claimed that within hours "there were thousands of defaces and hacks, databases released or deleted, dozens of disruptions to government sites and more."
The second wave of OpIsrael was initiated a month ago, with a press release from the group behind it this week addressing the Israeli government:
"You have NOT stopped your endless human right violations. You have NOT stopped illegal settlements. You have NOT respected the ceasefire. You have shown that you do NOT respect international law. This is why that on April 7, elite cyber-squadrons from around the world have decided to unite in solidarity with the Palestinian people against Israel as one entity to disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace."
No Stranger to Attacks
However Israel is no stranger to cyber-attacks. Last November the Israeli foreign minister Yuval Steinitz revealed that it has faced 44 million cyber-attacks since the beginning of its military operation in Gaza.
Of all these attacks, just one was partially successful, knocking one website offline for a short period.
"We are reaping the fruits on the investment in recent years in the development of computerised defense systems, but we have a lot of work in store for us," Steinitz said at the time.
As well as boosting security around critical infrastructure, the Israel Internet Association (ISOC) is preparing to deal with issues suffered by ordinary citizens during the attack and it has even set up a hotline for people to contact if they notice any problems.