Adobe Rilis `Tool Kit`Gratis Permudah Bikin Game Berbasis Flash
Adobe Release Free Tool Kit to Create Flash-based Games
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Parulian Manalu
ADOBE merilis tool kit gratis yang memudahkan orang membuat game berbasis flash, seiring berkembangnya game untuk ponsel pintar, tablet, dan browser Internet.
Game Developers Tools yang tersedia berkaitan dengan Adobe "Creative Cloud", menyediakan energi komputasi pada pusat data online Adobe.
"Ini memudahkan siapapun yang ingin mengembangkan game Flash," kata Diana Helander, manajer marketing produk kelompok Gaming Solutions di Adobe.
"Bagi orang-orang yang ingin mencoba mengembangkan game, free tool ini memudahkan Anda mencoba-coba membuat beragam game yang menyasar berbagai target pasar," lanjut dia seperti dikutip Bangkok Post. "Itu benar-benar memberi kesempatan untuk menciptakan penemuan dan pendapatan baru, meskipun Anda hanya ingin membuat game sederhana."
Game berbasis Flash dapat ditemukan di aplikasi teratas jejaring sosial Facebook, juga game populer yang dapat dimainkan di browser komputer.
Adobe mengatakan, tools itu membuat game lebih mudah dimainkan pada beragam ukuran layar gadget dan OS.
Software Flash dapat mengaktifkan game versi desktop komputer untuk disesuaikan dalam smartphone atau tablet yang kini menjadi perangkat yang lebih populer untuk bermain game.
"Perusahaan game kini menjadi lebih seperti perusahaan media," kata Helander.
Adobe meramalkan free tools itu dapat meningkatkan jumlah game rumit yang biasanya hanya ada pada konsol video game.
Square Enix dari Jepang dan Ubisoft dari Prancis adalah beberapa industri video game yang menggunakan tools Flash, kata Helander.
ADOBE late Monday release a free tool kit to make it easier for developers to create Flash-based games to ride the growing wave of playing on smartphones, tablets, and in Internet browsers.
Game Developers Tools made available were the first tied to the Adobe´s "Creative Cloud," providing computing muscle from Adobe´s online datacenters.
"For anybody who wants to develop a game that targets the Flash player it will be a lot easier," said Diana Helander, group product marketing manager for Gaming Solutions at Adobe.
"For people who want to try their hand at being a game developer, this allows you to play around and target a bunch of different marketplaces," she continued. "That really opens the door for revenue and for discovery, even if you just have a free little game you want to put out there."
Flash-based games can be found in among the top titles at social network Facebook as well as those popular for play using personal computer browsers.
Adobe said it tools enable games to be crafted more efficiently to work across the sometimes challenging array of device screen sizes and operating systems.
Flash software can enable a desktop computer version of the game be shifted to suit smartphones or tablets which are becoming increasing popular devices for play.
"Gaming companies are becoming more like media companies," Helander said. "Gaming as a whole is definitely increasing in popularity."
Adobe envisioned the free tools boosting the number of rich, immersive games available including many based on characters or franchises that have been hits on videogame consoles.
Japan-based Square Enix and France-based Ubisoft are among videogame industry titans working with Flash tools, according to Helander.