JackCloth Gelar Midnight Sale di Malam Minggu
JackCloth to Organize Midnight Sale on Saturday Night
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Intan Permata Sari
Jakarta (B2B) - Jakarta Clothing Festival akan menggelar midnite sale Sabtu malam (8/12) nanti hingga pukul 24.00 WIB, menawarkan diskon berbagai produk fashion seperti kaos, celana jeans, asesoris, tas, topi, jaket hingga sepatu.
"Malam minggu nanti akan jadi malam puncak Jakcloth Fest 2012 karena ada banyak diskon," ujar Iyus Ilham, Field Manager PT Sebelas April Liam Mipro, sebagai pihak penyelenggara, di Jakarta, Kamis.
Acara yang menyasar kalangan anak muda ini berlangsung mulai 6-9 Desember 2012 dengan tiket masuk Rp20.000 per orang. Salah seorang pengunjung Reiga Setia Rahayu (18) mengaku datang ke Jakcloth Festival ini karena ingin menonton band Secondhand Serenade malam ini.
"Saya suka dengan mereka, lagu-lagunya sangat inspiratif," ujar mahasiswi Uhamka itu. Selain itu, ia yang datang bersama kakaknya tersebut juga ingin melihat barang dan produk fashion yang dijual.
"Produknya lucu dan bagus-bagus," ujar dia.
Jakarta (B2B) - JackCloth to Organize Midnight Sale on Saturday Night Jakarta Clothing Festival will organize midnight sale on Saturday night (8/12) until 12 PM. It will offer discounts for various fashion products such as T-shirts, jeans, accessories, bags, caps, jackets, and shoes.
“Saturday night will be the peak moment of Jakcloth Fest 2012 because it offers lots of discounts,” said Iyus Ilham, Field Manager of PT Sebelas April Liam Mipro, the organizer, in Jakarta on Thursday.
The event, targeting youngsters, takes place on December 6-9, and the ticket fare is Rp 20,000 per person. One of visitors, Reiga Setia Rahayu (18), admits that she attends the event because she wants to watch the performance of Secondhand Serenade band tonight.
“I like the band. The songs are very inspiring,” says the student of Uhamka. Besides, she and her sibling also want to have a look at the fashion products sold in the event.
“The products are good and cute,” she says.