Para Penipu di Lapangan Hijau, Mereka Pandai Sandiwara
The Fraudsters in the Pitch, They Smart an Acting
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu
DAVID Luiz bukan pesepakbola pertama yang bersalah atas ulahnya bersandiwara ketika mencoba mendapatkan keuntungan bagi timnya.
Siapa yang bisa melupakan ´Ronaldo mengedipkan mata´ ketika pemain Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo mengedipkan mata ke arah bangku ketika Wayne Rooney diusir di Piala Dunia 2006?
Mail Online melansir beberapa insiden terburuk akibat aksi ´pura-pura´ dalam sepak bola.
Sergio Busquets (Barcelona)
Gelandang Barcelona, Sergio Busquets dituduh berakting setelah bentrok dengan pemain Inter Milan, Thiago Motta. Pemain Inter itu mendapat kartu merah setelah Busquets berguling-guling di rumput, sambil melihat melalui tangannya untuk memeriksa apakah wasit telah menunjukkan kartu merah.
Rivaldo (Brazil)
Salah satu insiden terburuk bermain akting terjadi di Piala Dunia 2002 ketika salah satu pemain terbaik di dunia pada saat itu, Rivaldo, jatuh sambil memegang wajahnya setelah Turki Hakan Unsal menendang bola ke arahnya. Masalahnya adalah, tayangan ulang jelas menunjukkan bola membentur pemain Brasil pada kaki dan bukan di wajah.
Pepe (Real Madrid)
Bek Real Madrid itu tertangkap kamera jatuh memegangi wajahnya di bawah setelah dihalangi Cesc Fabregas dari Barcelona. Tapi tayangan ulang menunjukkan bahwa dia tertangkap di bahu. Aksi Pepe yang tak terlupakan selama El Clasico.
Bryan Carrasco (Chile)
Sebuah kejadian aneh di U20 internasional ketika Carrasco tampaknya terkena lawannya dari Ekuador lawannya tapi tayangan ulang menunjukkan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah bahwa ia mengambil lengan pemain untuk memukul wajahnya sendiri.
Steven Taylor (Newcastle)
Sebuah insiden yang tidak dibiarkan begitu saja ketika bek Newcastle adalah benar menunjukkan kartu merah, tapi itu tidak lucu. Bek tengah Newcastle kembali adalah pemain terakhir kembali di garis depan sebagai Aston Villa, Darius Vassell pecah jelas, ia diblokir bola dengan tangannya tetapi turun memegang dadanya saat ia telah ditembak. Mengejutkan, wasit melihat trik itu mengusir Taylor.
Norbert Meier (MSV Duisburg)
Meier berdebat dengan pemain Cologne, Albert Streit ketika Meier tiba-tiba jatuh. Wasit Manuel Gräfe memberi Streit kartu merah. Setelah insiden itu ditayang ulang di televisi, menjadi jelas bahwa bukan Streit yang memukul Meier, tapi Meier bersandiwara. Bahkan, Meier telah memberikan Streit headbutt. Klub memecat Meier pada 8 Desember 2005 dan FA Jerman melarangnya selama tiga bulan dari kegiatan manajemen pada 15 Desember 2005.
DAVID Luiz is not the first footballer to be guilty of over the top theatrics when trying to gain an advantage for his side.
Who can forget the ‘Ronaldo wink’ when Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo winked towards the bench when Wayne Rooney was sent off at the 2006 World Cup?
Here Sportsmail looks at some of the worst incidents of over reacting in football.
Sergio Busquets (Barcelona)
Barcelona midfielder Sergio Busquets was accused of play acting after clashing with Inter Milan’s Thiago Motta. The Inter player was shown a red card as Busquets rolled around on the floor, while looking through his hands to check to see if the referee had shown his red card.
Rivaldo (Brazil)
One of the worst incidents of play acting came in the 2002 World Cup when one of the best players in the world at the time, Rivaldo, collapsed holding his face after Turkey´s Hakan Unsal kicked the ball towards him. The problem was, replays clearly showed the ball hit the Brazilian on the leg and not in the face.
Pepe (Real Madrid)
The Real Madrid defender was caught on camera going down clutching his face under the challenge of Barcelona’s Cesc Fabregas. But replays showed that he was caught on the shoulder. Classic Pepe during El Clasico.
Bryan Carrasco (Chile)
A bizarre incident in an U20 international when Carrasco appeared to be hit by his Ecuador opponent but replays showed what really happened was that he took the player´s arm to apply the knock to himself in the face.
Steven Taylor (Newcastle)
An incident that did not go unpunished as the Newcastle defender was correctly shown a red card, but it was funny none the less. The Newcastle centre back was the last player back on the line as Aston Villa’s Darius Vassell broke clear, he blocked the ball with his hand but went down holding his chest as he had been shot. Surprisingly, the referee saw through the ruse and sent off Taylor.
Norbert Meier (MSV Duisburg)
Meier was arguing with Cologne´s Albert Streit when Meier suddenly fell down. Referee Manuel Gräfe sent Streit off with a red card. After the incident was reviewed on television, it became clear that it had not been Streit who hit Meier, but that Meier was play-acting. In fact, Meier had given Streit a headbutt. The club sacked Meier on December 8 2005 and the German FA banned him for three months from any management activities on December 15 2005.