Kecepatan Gol Ramsey 85 Km per Jam, 1 Detik Melayang Bobol Gawang Galatasaray
Ramsey`s Second Goal was a 30-yard Half-volley on His Left Foot
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Dhelia Gani

GOL KEDUA Aaron Ramsey ke gawang Galatasaray sangat luar biasa dan seorang mantan pesepakbola mengaku gol seperti itu belum pernah dilihatnya sepanjang kariernya.
Ketika pemain bertahan klub dari Turki menghalau bola di depan gawangnya pada babak pertama, Ramsey pesepakbola asal Wales datang menyambut bola muntah dan langsung menendang keras bola setengah melambung dengan kaki kirinya.63,
Bola meluncur kencang ke tengah gawang dari jarak 24 meter
dan keriuhan pun terjadi, kecuali para pendukung klub tuan rumah.
Yaya Sanogo tertegun melihat hal itu dan Wojciech Szczesny tampak memegang kepalanya karena takjub. Lukas Podolski, pencetak gol pertama bagi Arsenal malam itu, langsung bergaya bagai ingin membersihkan sepatu Ramsey, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Mantan pemain Arsenal, Paul Merson yang menyaksikan laga tersebut langsung berkomentar: "Saya belum pernah melihat gol seperti itu sepanjang karier saya. Itu fenomenal. "
Ramsey, awalnya setidaknya, merasa ia mencetak gol yang lebih baik. Berbicara kepada Sky Sports, ia berkata: "Gol itu (terbaik). Saya suka gawang Norwich (lebih baik)."
Kemudian, Ramsey tampaknya berubah pikiran. Dia menulis di akun Instagram-nya: "Memimpin grup dengan skor tertinggi, tidak bisa lagi menunggu. Melihat lagi gol kedua saya dan pasti yang terbaik. Senang untuk teman saya @poldi_official mendapat 2 gol dan selamat kepada teman-teman yang juga bermain luar biasa."
Sementara itu, manajer Arsene Wenger mengaku biasa saja melihat gol dari pemain gelandang asuhannya, namun lebih terkesan pada skor akhir.
"Ketika ia menendang saya pikir itu mungkin bukan yang terbaik," katanya kepada Sky Sports. "Tapi caranya mencetak gol benar-benar luar biasa."
Tendangan Ramsey kecepatannya mencapai 85 km per jam menembus gawang, dan satu detik melayang menuju gawang.
AARON Ramsey's second goal against Galatasaray was so good it had one former player saying it was unlike anything he'd seen in his entire career.
As the Turkish defenders headed an Arsenal corner clear in the first half, the Welshman ran to hit the ball, with his left foot on the half-volley.
The ball flew in to the top corner from almost 30 yards out and pandemonium ensued, except, that is, among the home fans.
Yaya Sanogo looked around stunned and Wojciech Szczesny held his head in his hands. Lukas Podolski, himself the scorer of a brilliant goal earlier in the night, leant down to clean Ramsey's boot.
Former Gunner Paul Merson went one further and said: 'I've never seen anything like it in all my years. It was phenomenal.'
Ramsey, initially at least, felt he'd scored better. Speaking to Sky Sports, he said: 'It's up there (with my best). I like the Norwich goal (better).'
On reflection, though, Ramsey appeared to have changed his mind. He wrote on his Instagram account: 'Finished the group on a high, now can't wait for the draw. Seen my second goal back and definitely my best. Happy for my bro @poldi_official getting 2 goals and congratulations to the boys making their debuts too.'
Meanwhile, manager Arsene Wenger revealed he was unimpressed when he saw the midfielder taking aim, but was impressed with the end result.
'When he took the shot I thought that's maybe not the best of ideas,' he told Sky Sports. 'But the way it went in was absolutely unbelievable.'
Ramsey's shot reached 53.4mph on its way to the back of the net, and took just over one second to reach its destination.