Terkejut, Seorang Ibu Temukan Kuda Laut Jatuh dari Langit di Rumah
Mum´s Shock After Discovering ´Weird´ Sea Creature Had Dropped from the Sky
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

SEORANG IBU asal Australia dibuat bingung setelah menemukan seekor kuda laut mati terjebak di antara bilah dek belakang di rumahnya di pinggiran kota.
Lauren McArthur membagikan foto misterius itu ke grup Facebook komunitas lokal, dengan penduduk lokal Old Beach mempertanyakan apakah ada orang lain yang menemukan 'kuda laut di dek mereka' atau 'hanya dia'.
"Apa sih yang sebenarnya?" dia menulis, "Saya ingin tahu apakah alam semesta mencoba memberi tahu saya sesuatu."
Ms McArthur membawa cucian ketika dia pertama kali melihat makhluk itu terjepit di antara bilah kayu geladak.
"Aku punya dua anjing dan mereka mengendus-endus di sekitarnya, dan aku berpikir apa itu?" katanya kepada Yahoo News Australia.
Ms McArthur mengatakan dia menggerakkan makhluk itu dengan lembut dengan sepatunya untuk mendapatkan tampilan yang lebih baik, sebelum menyadari bahwa itu adalah kuda laut.
"Ini pertama kalinya aku melihat sesuatu seperti itu di luar akuarium."
Ibu Tasmania itu tinggal di selatan Hobart, 50 meter dari Sungai Derwent, tetapi dia masih bingung bagaimana kuda laut itu bisa sampai di halaman belakang rumahnya, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Penduduk lain percaya bahwa mereka telah memecahkan misteri tersebut, menanggapi postingannya kemungkinan besar 'burung camar yang menjatuhkan sarapannya' setelah memancingnya keluar dari air terdekat.
TASMANIAN mum has been left baffled after finding a dead seahorse stuck between the slats of the back deck in her suburban home.
Lauren McArthur shared the mysterious photos to a local community Facebook group, with the Old Beach local questioning whether anyone else had found 'a seahorse on their deck' or if it was 'only her'.
'What the actual f***?' she wrote, 'I wonder if the universe is trying to tell me something.'
Ms McArthur was bringing the washing in when she first noticed the creature wedged between the wooden slats of the deck.
'I have got two dogs and they were sniffing around it, and I was thinking what on earth is that?' she told Yahoo News Australia.
Ms McArthur said she moved the creature gently with her shoe to get a better look, before realising it was a seahorse.
'It's the first time I've seen something like that outside of an aquarium.'
The Tasmanian mum lives south of Hobart, 50 metres from the Derwent River but she was still baffled as to how the seahorse ended up in her backyard.
Other residents believe they have solved the mystery, responding to her post it was most likely a 'seagull that dropped it's breakfast' after fishing it out of the nearby water.