Terungkap, Desain Terburuk yang Pernah Dilihat
Who Signed this Off? People Reveal the WORST Design Fails They´ve Seen
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

TERKADANG ide desain yang kreatif membutuhkan pendapat kedua sebelum dirilis ke publik, terbukti dari gambar-gambar ini.
Bored Panda telah menyebutkan dan mempermalukan beberapa contoh paling menjengkelkan dari seluruh dunia, termasuk kartu ucapan yang berbunyi, 'Selamat, Anda menderita kanker'.
Itu seharusnya merujuk pada tanda zodiak, bukan penyakitnya, tetapi sekilas terlihat agak mengkhawatirkan.
Sementara jepretan lucu lainnya menunjukkan 'klik di sini' yang dicetak di sebuah artikel surat kabar, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
SOMETIMES creative design ideas need a second opinion before being released to the public, as proven by these images.
Bored Panda has named and shamed some of the most hair-raising examples from around the world, including a greeting card which reads, 'Congratulations, you have cancer'.
It's supposed to refer to the zodiac sign, rather than the disease, but looks rather alarming at first glance.
Meanwhile another hilarious snap showed 'click here' printed in a newspaper article.
Here FEMAIL takes a look at some of the worst design fails that should never have seen the light of day.