May Day, Guru Honorer Keluhkan Gaji Rp100 Ribu per Bulan
Indonesian Honorary Teachers are Only Paid US$9 per Month
Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Peringatan Hari Buruh Sedunia atau May Day, ribuan guru honorer juga turut serta dalam aksi demonstrasi di depan Istana Negara Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Kamis (1/5).
"Apa kata dunia, pemerintah Indonesia masih melakukan perbudakan terhadap guru honorer yang mengabdi di lembaga negara. Honorer hanya digaji Rp100 ribu perbulan, negara kita kaya tapi honorernya miskin," tuturnya.
Ribuan guru honorer ini turut serta menggelar aksi unjuk rasa di depan Istana Negara. Mereka berdatangan dari sejumlah daerah seperti Bogor, Bekasi, Pandeglang, Tangerang. Selain berorasi, mereka juga menampilkan aksi silat saat berunjuk rasa di depan Istana Negara.
Sementara itu, Camat Gambir, Henri Perez, meminta kepada ribuan pendemo untuk tidak bertindak anarkis.
"Silahkan berdemo dengan suka cita dan tidak anarkis. Tetap hormati negara dan semoga sukses," katanya.
Jakarta (B2B) - Commemorating the International Labor Day or May Day, thousands of honorary teachers joined in the demonstration held in front of the State Palace on Jalan Merdeka Utara, Thursday (5/1).
"What does the world say? Indonesian government is still enslaving honorary teachers serving in state agencies. Honorary teachers are only paid IDR100,000 (US$9) per month. Our country is rich but the honorary workers are poor,” expressed one of honorary teachers from Bogor.
These thousands of honorary teachers came from a number of areas, such as Bogor, Bekasi, Pandeglang, and Tangerang. Besides orating, they are also performing martial art in front of the State Palace.
Meanwhile, Head of Gambir Sub-District, Henri Perez, asks the protesters not to do anarchy acts.
“Please, march with joy and not being anarchic. Stay respect the country and good luck,” he said.