Ronaldo Kepergok Pipis di Tepi Jalan saat `Dugem` di Saint Tropez

Cristiano Ronaldo Caught Urinating in the Street

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Ronaldo Kepergok Pipis di Tepi Jalan saat `Dugem` di Saint Tropez
Meskipun mencoba untuk bersembunyi di balik mobil, petugas keamanan pelabuhan melihat gerak-gerik mencurigakan sang bintang, dan segera memintanya untuk pindah dari situ (Foto2: MailOnline)

DIA KINI menjalani hidup melajang dalam beberapa pekan terakhir setelah berpisah kekasihnya Irina Shayk.

Namun kegiatan malam hari di luar rumah dari Cristiano Ronaldo tidak berakhir dengan baik setelah bintang Real Madrid kepergok kencing di tepi jalan.

Pesepakbola 30 tahun itu terlihat meninggalkan klub eksklusif Le Quai di Saint Tropez pada Senin dini hari (Selasa WIB), sebelum kencing di balik sebuah mobil hitam sebagai toilet jalanan, dan tindakannya menarik perhatian polisi yang segera memberinya peringatan.

Cristiano berpesta dengan teman-teman di klub malam terkenal tersebut hingga pukul empat pagi waktu setempat.

Setelah kepergok kencing di depan sebuah toko es krim di daerah pelabuhan tua kelas atas Saint Tropez, tampak seorang temannya berdiri menjaga di dekatnya, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Meskipun mencoba untuk bersembunyi di balik mobil, petugas keamanan pelabuhan melihat gerak-gerik mencurigakan sang bintang, dan segera memintanya untuk pindah dari situ.

Sang bintang tampak malu-malu saat ia diperingatkan oleh petugas keamanan sebelum berjalan menjauh dengan dua orang temannya.

Pemain Real Madrid 30 tahun menikmati istirahat dengan teman-teman di resor eksklusif selama beberapa hari terakhir.

Pada hari Minggu ia memamerkan otot tubuhnya sambil berjemur dan memancing beberapa ikan dari tepi kapal pesiar mewah Topshop milik taipan Sir Philip Green.

Sir Philip mengundang Ronaldo untuk menghabiskan waktu di perahu mewah dan diyakini putri sang taipan,  Chloe dan istrinya Tina juga hadir di situ.

HE'S BEEN living life to the full in recent weeks following his split from long-term love Irina Shayk.

But Cristiano Ronaldo's latest night out didn't end well after the Real Madrid star was caught urinating in the street.

The 30-year-old footballer was spotted leaving Saint Tropez's exclusive club Le Quai in the early hours of Monday, before using the street as the toilet, with his actions drawing the attention of the police who immediately gave him a stern talking to.

Cristiano was partying with friends at the famous nightspot until 4am.

After leaving he was caught urinating in front of an ice cream store in the upmarket old harbour area of Saint Tropez as his friends stood guard nearby.

Despite trying to hide behind a car, port security guard agents were quick to spot the star, and immediately asked him to move on from the area.

The star looked sheepish as he was given a stern talking to by police before walking on with his two male friends.

The 30-year-old Real Madrid player has been enjoying a break with pals in the exclusive resort for the past few days.

On Sunday he flaunted his washboard abs as he sunbathed and did some fishing off the side of Topshop tycoon Sir Philip Green's luxury yacht.

Sir Philip invited the footballer to spend time on the luxury boat and it is believed the tycoon's daughter Chloe and wife Tina also played hosts.