David Luiz Tertawa ketika Wasit Beri Kartu Merah untuk Rafael
David Luiz was Seen Laughing when Referee Showed Rafael Straight Red Card
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu
SIR Alex Ferguson menuduh David Luiz bertindak pura-pura kesakitan agar Rafael diusir saat Chelsea meraih kemenangan di Old Trafford, Minggu.
Manajer Manchester United marah terhadap Luiz, yang menyikut Rafael di dada di menit ke-89 dan kemudian berguling-guling ketika rekan Brasil-nya membalas dengan memukul dengan kaki kanannya.
Bek Chelsea itu terlihat tertawa saat ia berbaring dekat asisten wasit Sian Massey ketika Howard Webb langsung menghukum Rafael dengan kartu merah, seperti dilansir Mail Online.
Ferguson mengatakan: "Dia membalas tetapi (David Luiz) cukup jelas dua kali menyikut kemudian guling-gulingan seperti angsa sekarat yang meyakinkan wasit. Dia tersenyum. Ini buruk. Pemain profesional apa itu?
"Wasit telah dibeli oleh fakta Luiz pura-pura kesakitan. Ketika seorang pemain membalas malah dia yang dihukum. Luiz canai. Anda melihat bahwa dengan pemain Eropa, asing dan Amerika Selatan. Rafael adalah korban, dia masih muda dan seharusnya tahu lebih baik tetapi pembalasan tidak pernah berhasil. Saya tidak akan mengatakan itu melakukan kekerasan."
´Wasit bahkan tidak melihatnya tapi ia hanya melihat Luiz berguling di rumput pura-pura kesakitan untuk meyakinkan wasit mengeluarkan kartu merah."
Tetapi manajer interim Chelsea Rafael Benitez mencoba mengecilkan insiden tersebut.
´Anda tidak dapat mengubah apa pun jika Anda mengeluh ketika Anda kalah," kata Benitez. "Saya belum melihatnya dan saya tidak akan banyak berkomentar. Ada 200 insiden setiap akhir pekan di liga."
Insiden itu terjadi dua menit setelah tendangan Juan Mata di menit 87 ditahan Phil Jones dan malahan menjadi gol bunuh diri. Kemenangan itu mengangkat Chelsea kembali ke tempat ketiga di klasemen untuk memastikan langkah ke Liga Champions musim depan dengan mengalahkan Tottenham di kandang Rabu.
SIR Alex Ferguson accused David Luiz of acting like ‘a dying swan’ to get Rafael sent off as Chelsea snatched victory at Old Trafford on Sunday.
The Manchester United manager was furious with Luiz, who elbowed Rafael in the chest in the 89th minute and then rolled around when his fellow Brazilian retaliated by lashing out with his right leg.
The Chelsea defender was seen laughing as he lay at the feet of referee’s assistant Sian Massey when Howard Webb showed Rafael a straight red card.
Ferguson said: ‘He retaliates but (David Luiz) quite clearly elbows him twice then rolls about like a dying swan and that convinces the referee. He was smiling. It’s bad. What kind of professional is that?
‘The ref has been bought by the fact Luiz is rolling about. When a player retaliates he gets punished the most. Luiz rolled about. You see that with European, foreign and South American players. Rafael was rash, he’s young and should know better but retaliation never works. I wouldn’t say it was violent conduct.
´The referee hasn’t even seen it but he has gone with the fact that Luiz has rolled about on the floor and that has convinced him it was a red card.´
Luiz was fortunate to escape a red card himself after being booked for dissent moments earlier but Chelsea’s interim manager Rafael Benitez tried to play down the incident.
‘You can change nothing if you complain when you lose,’ said Benitez. ‘I haven’t seen it and I will not say too much. There are 200 incidents each weekend in the league.’
The incident came two minutes after Juan Mata’s 87th-minute shot was deflected in off Phil Jones and the post. The win lifted Chelsea back into third place in the table and means they can all but guarantee Champions League football next season by beating Tottenham at home on Wednesday.