Azan Berkumandang, Justin Bieber Stop 2 Kali Konsernya di Turki
Justin Bieber Stops Concert in Turkey Twice to Honour Adhan
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu
SETELAH serangkaian tindakan salahnya saat keliling dunia dalam Believe Tour, ada hal baik yang ditunjukkan Justin Bieber.
Pelantun Boyfriend ini sedang bernyanyi di konser yang tiketnya terjual habis di ITU Stadium di Istanbul, Turki pada Kamis malam, ketika ia menghentikan konser beberapa kali untuk memberi waktu para penggemarnya melaksanakan kewajiban penganut muslim, untuk shalat, menurut E! Online.
Disebut sebagai Azan, Adhan seperti yang disebut di Turki, sebagai panggilan shalat yang dilakukan lima kali sehari sebagai kewajiban setiap muslim.
Shalat adalah hal penting bagi warga negara Turki, bahkan kewajiban tersebut dicantumkan dalam dalam lagu kebangsaan mereka.
Penggemarnya segera menulis pesan di Twitter karena mereka terkejut bercampur senang dengan keputusan Bieber untuk menghormati ibadah agama mereka.
´Justin Bieber menghentikan konser dua kali di Turki sebelum azan sehingga orang bisa berdoa. Alhumdulilah, aku punya rasa hormat terhadap orang ini sekarang,´user @taznin_ menulis Jumat, menambahkan´ semuanya baik-baik ´dalam bahasa Arab.
"Aku betul-betul menghormati Justin Bieber untuk menghentikan penampilannya di Turki selama berbunyi azan, dua kali. #RESPECT," kata @hudabeauty, seperti dilansir Mail Online.
´Seniman Arab TIDAK berhenti saat pertunjukan mereka ... Go Justin,´ user @ maysoonzayid menulis.
Sementara Justin tidak menyebutkan hal itu di akun Twitter yang sangat banyak pengikutnya, ia banyak memotret selama menghabiskan waktunya di negara Arab.
´Turki menggila sekarang. Kami siap, "ia menulis kepada hampir 40 juta pengikutnya.
Penyanyi Kanada ini juga berbagi selfie saat ia keliling Turki negara - yang langsung disukai oleh lebih dari 800.000 penggemar.
´Apa yang menarik di Turki," tulisnya.
Justin juga retweeted gambar dari rombongannya saat tiba di Turki - satu gambar menunjukkan lautan penggemar menatap ke depan di panggung karena mereka menunggu pertunjukan dimulai.
"50 ribu orang di Turki menonton lil homie tampil. Wow Tuhan ini menyenangkan. Menjadi Saksi Sejarah, ´pengguna maejorali captioned foto.
Setelah berangkat, rombongan Justin Bieber berangkat ke Dubai untuk melanjutkan konser dari Believe Tour.
´Turki sangat menyenangkan. Pertunjukan berikutnya menunggu. Dubai yang berikutnya," tulisnya Kamis.
Pilihan untuk menghormati penggemar Turki, dipandang sebagai langkah positif untuk penyanyi usia 19 tahun, yang selama turnya telah banyak melakukan kesalahan fatal.
Konser di Oman dilaporkan dibatalkan karena aksi panggungnya danggap ´terlalu seksi´, dan hanya beberapa jam kemudian saat ia dan rombongannya dihentikan oleh keamanan di Sabiha Gökçen, Bandara di Istanbul karena gagal untuk menunjukkan dokumen perjalanan yang tepat.
Remaja penuh sensasi ini juga mengundang kemarahan ketika bepergian dengan monyet Capuchin bernama Mally, yang disita oleh petugas bea cukai di Munich, Jerman.
Seorang juru bicara bea cukai Jerman mengatakan pada saat penyitaan bahwa Bieber tidak memiliki dokumen sertifikasi tentang kesehatan hewan dan melanggar peraturan perlindungan spesies langka.
AFTER a series of missteps as he travels the world on his Believe Tour, things appear to be turning around for Justin Bieber.
The Boyfriend singer was playing a sold out show at the ITU Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey on Thursday when he paused his act multiple times to allow fans to step away for the Muslim call to prayer, according to E! Online.
Referred to as Azan, or Adhan as it is called in Turkey, the religious ritual is performed five times a day as followers pause their actions to reaffirm their spiritual ideology.
The prayer is an important one for Turkish citizens, who even mention the practice in their national anthem.
Fans immediately took to Twitter where they were both shocked and delighted by his choice to honor the religious practice.
´Justin Bieber stopped his concert twice in Turkey before the azaan so people can go pray. Alhamdulillah, I´ve got respect for this guy now,´ user @taznin_ wrote Friday, adding ´all is well´ in Arabic.
´I have MAD respect for Justin Bieber for stopping his performance in Turkey during prayer, twice. #RESPECT,´ @hudabeauty said.
´Arab artists DON´T stop there shows...Go Justin,´ user @maysoonzayid wrote.
While Justin made no mention of it on his highly followed Twitter account, he did share some snaps of his time spent in the Arab nation.
´Turkey is crazy right now. We ready,´ he wrote to his nearly 40 million followers.
The Canadian singer also shared a selfie as he drove through the country - which was instantly liked by over 800,000 fans.
´Turkey what´s good,´ he captioned.
Justin also retweeted images from his entourage as the group arrived in Turkey - one image showing a sea of fans staring ahead at the stage as they waited for the show to begin.
´50k people in Turkey about watch lil homie perform. Wow God is good. Witnessing History,´ user maejorali captioned the photo.
After departing, the troupe headed off to Dubai as they wrap up the international leg of the Believe Tour.
´Turkey was right. 4 more shows to go. Dubai is next,´ he wrote Thursday.
The choice to honor his Turkish fans was seen as positive step for the 19-year-old, whose tour has been plagued with missteps.
A show in Oman was reportedly cancelled because the nation deemed his act ´too sexy,´ and only hours later as he and his entourage were stopped by security at the Sabiha Gökçen Airport in Istanbul for failing to show the proper travel documents.
The teen sensation also drew ire for travelling with a Capuchin monkey named Mally, who was confiscated by customs officials in Munich, Germany.
A German customs spokesman said at the time of the confiscation that Bieber lacked documents certifying compliance with animal health and species-protection regulations.