Kementan: Pasokan Sembako Memadai Jelang Idul Adha Kecuali Daging Sapi dan Kedelai

Supply of Basic Needs in Indonesia Adequate until the End of 2016

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Kementan: Pasokan Sembako Memadai Jelang Idul Adha Kecuali Daging Sapi dan Kedelai
Karo Humas & IP Kementan, Agung Hendriadi (ke-2 kiri) Ketua KPPU Syarkawi Rauf (kanan) dan Kabag Humas Kementan, Marihot H Panggabean (ke-3 kiri) pantau pasokan dan harga sembako di Solo, Jateng (Foto: B2B/Mac)

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah RI memastikan sembilan bahan pokok (sembako) memadai jelang Idul Adha 1437 H maupun hingga akhir tahun, kecuali ketersediaan daging sapi dan kedelai yang mengalami defisit 220.000 ribu ton dan 1.497 ton berdasarkan prognosa ketersediaan dan kebutuhan pangan strategis 2016.

Kesembilan bahan pokok tersebut adalah beras, jagung,  gula pasir, bawang merah, cabai besar, cabai rawit, minyak goreng, daging ayam ras, dan telur ayam ras.

Kepala Biro Humas dan Informasi Publik Kementerian Pertanian, Agung Hendriadi mengatakan beras surplus 11,38 juta ton, dengan perkiraan pasokan beras 43,69 juta ton hingga akhir 2016 sementara kebutuhan pasar 32,3 juta ton.

"Dari 11 komoditas pangan utama tersebut maka secara umum sampai akhir tahun ada dua bahan pokok yang defisit, kedelai 42 persen dan daging sapi 33 persen," kata Agung.

Data lengkap pasokan dan kebutuhan pangan strategis 2016 dari Kementerian Pertanian RI:
1. Beras perkiraan ketersediaan 43.693,5 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 32,309,7 ribu ton.

2. Jagung, perkiraan ketersediaan 24.798,7 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 22.671,5 ribu ton.

3. Kedelai, perkiraan ketersediaan 1.500,0 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 2.595,7 ribu ton.

4. Gula pasir, perkiraan ketersediaan 2.572,9 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 3.050,1 ribu ton.

5. Minyak goreng, perkiraan ketersediaan 23.663,4 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 5.119,2 ribu ton.

6. Bawang merah, perkiraan ketersediaan 1.291,1 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 1.159,3 ribu ton.

7. Cabai besar, perkiraan ketersediaan 1.209,5 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 983,1 ribu ton.

8. Cabai rawit, perkiraan ketersediaan 890,2 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 702,3 ribu ton.

9. Daging sapi, perkiraan ketersediaan 441,8 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 662,3 ribu ton.

10. Daging ayam ras, perkiraan ketersediaan 2.836,7 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 1.247,0 ribu ton.

11. Telur ayam ras, perkiraan ketersediaan 2.892,8 ribu ton, perkiraan kebutuhan 1.456,5 ribu ton.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian government ensure an adequate supply of nine basic commodities ahead of Eid al-Adha and until the end of 2016, but the supply of beef and soybeans deficit of 220,000 tons and 1,497 tons based on data of the Agriculture Ministry, according to the senior official.

The nine basic commodities are rice, corn, sugar, shallots, onion, chili, cayenne, cooking oil, chicken, and eggs.

Head of Public Relations and Public Information of the ministry, Agung Hendriadi said 11.38 million tons of surplus rice, rice supply an estimated 43.69 million tons by the end of 2016, while the market requirement of 32.3 million tonnes.

"Of the 11 essential food commodities, there are two basic commodities that the deficit until the end of the year, namely soybeans and beef, which reached 42 percent and 33 percent," Mr Hendriadi said.

1. Supply of rice is estimated 43,693.5 thousand tons, the consumer needs 32,309,7 thousand tons.

2. Supply of corn estimated 24,798.7, the consumer needs 22,671.5 thousand tons.

3. Supply of soybeans estimated 1,500 thousand tons, the consumer needs 2595.7 thousand tons.

4. Supply of sugar estimated 2,572.9 thousand tons, the consumer needs 3,050.1 thousand tons.

5. Supply of cooking oil estimated 23,663.4 thousand tons, the consumer needs 5,119.2 thousand tons.

6. Supply of shallots estimated 1,291.1 thousand tons, the consumer needs 1,159.3 thousand tons.

7. Supply of chilli estimated 1,209.5 thousand tons, the consumer needs 983.1 thousand tons.

8. Supply of cayenne estimated  890.2 thousand tons, the consumer needs 702.3 thousand tons

9. Supply of beef estimated 441.8 thousand tons, the consumer needs 662.3 thousand tons.

10. Supply of chicken meat estimated 2,836.7 thousand tons, the consumer needs 1,247.0 thousand tons.

11. Supply of chicken eggs estimated 2,892.8 thousand tons, the consumer needs 1,456.5 thousand tons.