Nilai Tukar Petani Juni 2015 Capai 100,52
Indonesian Farmers` Purchasing Power Rose 0.50%
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Nilai tukar petani (NTP) nasional pada Juni 2015 sebesar 100,52 atau naik 0,50% dibanding NTP Mei 2015. NTP, yang diperoleh dari perbandingan indeks harga yang diterima petani (lt) terhadap indeks harga yang dibayar petani (lb), merupakan salah satu indikator untuk melihat tingkat kemampuan/daya beli petani di pedesaan.
Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Suryamin mengatakan berdasarkan hasil pemantauan harga-harga pedesaan di 33 provinsi di Indonesia pada Juni 2015 maka NTP secara nasional naik 0,50% dibandingkan dengan NTP Mei 2015, dari 100,02 menjadi 100,52.
"Kenaikan NTP pada Juni 2015 disebabkan kenaikan indeks harga hasil produksi pertanian lebih besar dibandingkan kenaikan indeks harga barang dan jasa yang dikonsumsi oleh rumah tangga maupun untuk keperluan produksi pertanian," kata Suryamin kepada pers di Jakarta, belum lama ini.
NTP juga menunjukkan daya tukar atau term of trade dari produk pertanian dengan barang dan jasa yang dikonsumsi maupun untuk biaya produksi, semakin tinggi NTP, secara relatif semakin kuat pula tingkat kemampuan/daya beli petani.
"Kenaikan NTP Juni 2015 dipengaruhi oleh naiknya NTP pada seluruh subsektor, yaitu subsektor tanaman pangan naik 0,63 persen, subsektor hortikultura naik 0,26 persen, subsektor tanaman perkebunan rakyat naik 0,52 persen, subsektor peternakan naik 0,53 persen, dan subsektor perikanan naik 0,47 persen," kata Suryamin.
BPS melansir, NTP Provinsi Jambi mengalami kenaikan tertinggi (1,33%) dibandingkan kenaikan NTP provinsi lainnya, dan sebaliknya, NTP Provinsi DKI Jakarta mengalami penurunan terbesar (1,41%) dibandingkan NTP provinsi lainnya.
Jakarta (B2B) - The purchasing power of Indonesian farmers 100.52 in June 2015, up 0.50% compared to May 2015. Calculated from the ratio of price index received by farmers against the index of prices paid farmers, as one of the indicators to see the level of purchasing power Indonesian farmers in rural areas, according to head of statistics agency.
The Head of Indonesian Statistics Agency, Suryamin said based monitoring prices in 33 rural provinces in June 2015, the national farmers´ purchasing power rose 0.50% from May 2015 of 100.02 into 100.52.
"The increase in June 2015 due to the price index of agricultural production is higher than the increase in the price index of goods and services consumed by households, and the needs of agricultural production equipment," Suryamin told the press here recently.
The purchasing power of farmers also shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with the goods and services consumed, including the cost of production. The higher purchasing power, also relatively strong purchasing power of farmers.
"Influenced by the increase of purchasing power farmers in all sub-sectors namely food crops rose 0.63 percent, rose 0.26 percent in horticulture, plantation owned by the people rose 0.52 percent, up 0.53 percent in the livestock subsector, and fisheries rose 0.47 percent," Suryamin said.
Statistics agency launch, Jambi Province recorded the highest increase (1.33%) than the other provinces, but the biggest drop in Jakarta (1.41%).