Tembus Singapura, Petani Sayur Harus Terapkan Good Agricultural Practises

Penetrating Singapore, Vegetable Farmers Must Apply Good Agricultural Practises

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Tembus Singapura, Petani Sayur Harus Terapkan Good   Agricultural Practises
Foto: bisnis-jateng.com

Tegal (B2B) - Indonesia memiliki peluang meningkatkan ekspor sayur-mayur ke Singapura, yang saat ini baru mencapai 4% dari seluruh kebutuhan impor Singapura sekitar 487.336 ton per tahun. Tantangan utamanya, aturan ketat produk impor yang diterapkan Singapura sehingga pemerintah berupaya agar para petani dapat meningkatkan penerapan Good Agricultural Practises.

“Produk sayur-mayur kita sangat bersaing di Singapura, namun tantangan bagi para petani, Singapura itu menerapkan syarat ketat terhadap produk impor. Untuk itu pemerintah berupaya agar parapetani dapat terus meningkatkan penerapan GAP atau Good Agricultural Practices,” kata Menteri Pertanian Suswono ketika meninjau panen produk hortikultura di Desa Batumirah, Bumijawa, Tegal, Jawa Tengah pada Selasa (19/2).

Suswono mengingatkan, hasil sayur-mayur asalkan diolah dengan baik mulai dari proses awal penanaman hingga pascapanen.

Terkait dengan penanganan pasca panen produk hortikultura di Jawa Tengah, maka Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Bibit Waluyo mengatakan bahwa saat ini petani di daerahnya, sudah melakukan pembudidayaan tanaman menggunakan green-house dan untuk pasca panennya dengan menerapkan cold storage.

“Di Singapura, banyak sekali produk hortikultura dari Jawa Tengah. Hal ini menunjukan produknya diterima di sana. Saat ini, kita terus memperbaiki cara pembudidayaan dan pengolahan pasca panennya seperti green house sudah kita terapkan di Tawangmangu dan Baturaden. Hasilnya  ternyata bagus,” ungkap Bibit Waluyo di tempat yang sama.

Selain itu, kata Bibit, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah juga giatmembina kelompok tani hortikultura.

“Saat ini sudah ada beberapa kelompok tani yang menanam produk hortikultura seperti wortel, meskipun belum sampai diekspor namun produknya sudah masuk pasar modern dan tradisional,” tambah gubernur.

Tegal (B2B) - Indonesia has an opportunity to increase exports of vegetables to Singapore, which has recently reached 4% of all imports Singapore, about 487 336 tonnes per year. The main challenge, strict rules applied to imported products Singapore, the government sought to farmers to improve the application of Good Agricultural Practises.

"Product vegetables we are very competitive in Singapore, but a challenge for farmers, Singapore´s strict requirements apply to imported products. The government sought to parapetani can continue to improve the application of Good Agricultural Practices or GAP, "said Agriculture Minister Suswono when reviewing horticulture crops in the village Batumirah, Bumijawa, Tegal, Central Java, on Tuesday (19/2).

Suswono warned, the results processed vegetables as long as well, ranging from initial planting to post-harvest processes.

Related to the post-harvest handling of horticultural products in Central Java, the Central Java Governor, Bibit Waluyo said that current farmers in the region, cultivation is done using a green-house, and for post-harvest by applying cold storage.

"In Singapore, many horticultural products from Central Java. It indicates the the product received there. Today, we continue to improve how the cultivation and post-harvest processing such as green house we have applied in Tawangmangu and Baturaden. The result was good, "said Bibit Waluyo in the same place.

In addition, said Bibit, Central Java Provincial Government is also actively developing horticulture farmer groups.

"Now there are several groups of farmers who grow horticultural products such as carrots, although not to be exported, but the product has entered the market of modern and traditional," the governor added.